Where do I turn in my homework?
The blue homework bin on the gray counter! Homework is due every Friday!
Where do you return books that you are done reading?
If you absolutely know where the book goes, please put it back nicely. Otherwise, put it in the Books Go Here bin for our librarians.
Spines out, facing the correct direction, no bent pages or covers
ACT IT OUT: Lining up to leave the classroom for enrichment or recess
In number order (or teacher-told spot)
Eyes forward
Hands to self (not on other or objects)
Follow directions right away
Voice level 2 until Miss Stephens says, "Show me straight. Show me silent."
What if I need a snack?
These snacks are for emergencies. It is expected that 3rd graders bring their snacks in every day.
Where does a responsible student turn in completed work, and what is on the top of their paper?
Blue turn in tray by the mailboxes
Name and number
Please keep papers going the same direction to help your dear teacher!
I need to use the bathroom! What do I do?
Put the boy/girl bathroom pass on your desk and go. Return the pass when you're back.
Go during RESPONSIBLE times (not when Miss Stephens is talking to the whole class).
If the pass is out and it's an emergency, ask Miss Stephens.
Go to the spot in the room that has many school supplies that students can borrow or take. Pretend to borrow one of the items.
Scissors, highlighters, crayons, markers, clipboards
Close the lid. Put things back where you found them. Glue sticks do not have to be returned
What do I do if I need a new pencil?
Trade an old/dull pencil for a new/sharp pencil on the gray counter.
Electric Sharpener = Adults ONLY
Wall Sharpener = Not during whole class learning times
Gum is allowed in our classroom as long as we are responsible. Name two gum rules.
No bubbles or gum outside of your mouth
Gum goes in the trash can ONLY
No sharing gum
Gum is for our classroom, so it should be thrown away if you are leaving for any reason.
During independent reading, where can you NOT be? There are four possible answer, but you only need one.
Rocking Chair: Student of the Week only
Kidney Table: Reserved for teacher groups
Directly in front of bookshelves
Within an arm's length of any other student
What does a learning position look like?
One person acts it out and the other points out what the person is doing to be in a learning position.
Body sitting up (no leaning heads)
Eyes on the speaker
Hands off of tools (unless asked to use them)
On the inside - positive attitude and a growth mindset
What are the rules for books inside of desks?
1 chapter book
1 other book (quick read)
Library books or books from home are allowed as long as your desk is organized and can close.
Where do I get an extra copy of the homework if I misplaced mine?
In the bottom-right corner of the mailboxes. Other extra copies of important papers are there too.
What does a respectful student do when Miss Stephens' classroom phone is ringing or she's on the phone?
Voice level 0 or 1
Stay in your seat and give Miss Stephens space
Show and name at least 3 hand signals you can use during class to show you're participation without blurting.
Agree / Disagree
Me Too
I'm Thinking
Encouragement Fingers
If Miss Stephens asks you to "sign", what does that mean and what do you do?
At the end of the day, what do responsible students do during closing procedures?
Chromebook, Chair, Folder
Clean up your area
Locker and Lunch Box
See a Problem? Solve a Problem!
Name the steps you must complete every morning during Morning Procedures. Hint: There are 8, but 5 will get you the points!
Stop at locker - Bring in folder, water bottle, snack
Greet Miss Stephens
Folder - check for any notes/money
Snack in desk
Lunch Choice
Pencil Check
Help friends, PlayDoh, doodle, puzzle packet
Pretend you are a 3rd grader coming back into the classroom from the hallway. You've been gone 15 minutes, so you don't know what's going on. The class is working and Miss Stephens is talking. What do you do?
Come in at a voice level 0
Look around - what do friends have on their desks?
Ask a friend if you're confused. Ask Miss Stephens only by raising your hand.
A visitor is at the door or walks into the classroom. What is the student's job in this situation?
Keep doing your student job.
Do NOT shout out, "Miss Stephens, someone is here!" You MAY raise your hand or quietly come up to Miss Stephens if you think she didn't notice. You MAY raise your hand to ask their name if you don't recognize them.