How much is a FFA Jacket (current)?
What is $75?
When was FFA started?
When was 1928?
What is wrong with this official dress?
What is no tie and white socks?
Who created the FFA Jacket?
Who is Dr. Gus Lintner?
This degree is for middle school students who are just beginning their FFA journey?
What is the Discovery Degree?
How much was the first ever FFA Jacket?
What was $5.50?
Where was the first National Convention held?
Where is Kansas City, Missouri. (1928)
Who created official dress?
Who was Dr.Gus Lintner
This man is referred to as the "father" of the FFA.
Who is Henry Gluecose?
This degree is given to members who have shown significant involvement and have conducted a SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience).
What is the Chapter Degree?
How much was the first ever FFA dues?
What was 10 cents per year?
When was the FFA Creed written?
When was the 3rd National Convention in 1930?
What is every piece of official dress for a guy?
What is a FFA jacket, White button up, official tie, black dress pants, black shoes?
This person was the author of the FFA Creed, which is fundamental part of FFA traditions.
Who is E.M. Tiffany?
This degree is awarded to first-year FFA members who have demonstrated knowledge of FFA history and basics.
What is the Greenhand degree?
How much is a bushel of soybeans currently?
What is $9.94?
What was the act that started agricultural vocational education in the United States?
What is the Smith-Hughes Act of 1917?
What is wrong with this official dress?
What is no black pantyhose?
This lady was the first female national FFA officer, elected in 1976.
Who is Julie Smiley?
This is the highest degree, awarded to members who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to FFA and made significant accomplishments in their SAE.
What is the American Degree?
What was the price of gas in 1970?
What was 36 cents a gallon?
When was the Jessamine County FFA Chapter founded?
When was 1958?
What is every piece of official dress for a girl?
What is a FFA jacket, White button up, scarf, black scarf, black pantyhose, and black shoes?
This person was an early advocate for agricultural education and co-founder of the New Farmers of America (NFA), which later merged with FFA.
Who is H.O. Sargent?
This degree is awarded to people by their state association to members who have demonstrated leadership and have been involved in their community and state activities.
What is the State FFA Degree?