Where one person is hit, hurt or intimidated. It also includes stealing or damaging property.
What is a bystander?
A person or group of people who watch or are nearby at the time of the bullying (in person or online).
When is behaviour identified as bullying behaviour? (2 features)
When is is about the misuse of power, ongoing and repeated and behaviours that cause harm.
Capital of:
New South Wales
New Zealand
List 2 examples of cyberbullying
posting hurtful comments on social media
posting embarrassing photos online
receive harassing calls, texts or emails
others use social networking sites to exclude someone or be mean
setting up fake profiles
ganging up on someone when playing online games
List 2 examples of social bullying. List 2 examples of verbal bullying
Social bullying examples - excluding another person, sharing posts or images that are hurtful
Verbal bullying - name calling, unkind comments about the person, spreading rumours
Are the following the action of a positive or negative bystander:
1. cheered the person bullying
2. stood and watched in silence
3. seen bullying happening line and said nothering
4. laughed or walked away from the situation
5. forwarded an offensive image, post or text message.
Negative bystander action
What should you do at school if you are being bullied or harassed? 3 things
Ignore it, report it to a teacher/Year Adviser, download a Report form from MGHS website and fill in and pop in the box.
Collective nouns for a group of:
pod of whales, a swarm of bees, a herd of elephants, a flight of butterflies
List 3 ways cyberbullying affects people
make them feel guilty likes it's their fault
feel hopeless and stuck in the situation
feel like they don't fit in
feel very sad and rejected
feel unsafe and afraid
What is the difference between overt and covert bullying?
Overt bullying is direct person to person such as punching, name calling.
Covert bullying is slyer - it is intentionally hidden and can be hard for others to see such as spreading rumours, breaking secrets, gossiping, threatening harm.
What could you say to a bully or target as a supportive or positive bystander? (2 things you could say to the bully)
Say stop it, or what you are doing is bullying, tell the target to ignore it, invite them to come with you to report it.
What can your parents/carers do to help if you tell them you are being bullied or harassed? (3 things)
Listen and get the full story
Reassure you that it is not your fault
Find out what you want them to do adn what you want to do about it
Contact the school
help you fill in a report form
help you develop the skills to ignore the bullying and to deal with it when it happens.
TV show on channel 9 at 5.00pm tonight?
Is it:
House Hunters, Mythbusters, The Chase Australia , Millionaire Hot Seat
Millionaire Hot Seat
List 4 things we can do to protect ourselves from being cyberbullied
Don't share private information like passwords, name and address
don't friend people you don't know well in person
find out how to report bullying and harassment on each site you use
set up strong privacy options
Think carefully before you post photos or videos of yourself online
Be respectful of other people's views online
Name 4 ways bullying can make the target feel.
Unsafe, afraid, inferior, inadequate, alone, unhappy, ashamed, hopeless, like you don't fit in, confused, stressed, like it's your fault, rejected, depressed, anxious
Why is it OK to tell on a student who is bullying or harassing another student?
It is not dobbing, bullying makes someone feel awful, you can say it privately so the bully doesn't know who reported it. Bullying harms the target and the bully so you are helping both.
What are the steps if bullying occurs online?
Keep all evidence
Block offenders
Delete content
Tell an adult.
What movie won this year's Academy Award for Best Picture?
The Office of the eSafety Commissioner has a range of resources. List 4 things you will find on this website.
Report social media website if content not removed with time frame
Check to see if the social media website has registered with The Office.
Report persistent cyberbullying
Get information about staying safe online and cyberbullying
Find out about The Office of the eSafety commissioner
Lessons for schools
Play Buddie
Provides advice for parents
Provides advice for women
Social media websites procedures for reporting bullying and harassment
What can a bully do to change their behaviour? (3 things)
accept that others don't like the way you behave
accept the consequences when the bullying is reported
be ready to work things out with your target
Think about how the target may be feeling and if you'd like to feel the same way
Work on treating all people with respect and fairness.
Talk to an adult you trust about it and ask them to help you.
Learn about better ways of treating people.
What can you do to help the person being bullied? 3 things
Take them away from the bully
Don't join in
Encourage them to seek help or take them to seek help
Suggest safe places they can go
Include them in your group and introduce them to your friends
Show them how to report bullying/block online
How long does the social networking sites have to take down offensive content after it's been reported by someone 17 years and younger?
48 hours
What was the last song played in the 2016 JJJ Hottest 100 hits?