Back pain
Trauma stuff
Trauma stuff II
Vital signs
95% of herniated discs are at which 2 levels?
What is L4-5, L5-S1
what does the eFAST assess?
What is morrisons pouch, pericardial space, splenorenal space, pouch of douglas/rectovesicular space, pneumothoraces, pleural spaces
accident is the number 1,2 or 3 cause of death in age 1-44?
What is 1
what is the most densely populated state in USA
What is good old dirty jersey!
What is the primary survey?
What is ABCDE airway, breathing, circulation (including eFAST), disability (GCS), exposure (inconspicuous injuries, prevent hypothermia)
If epidural abscess, hematoma, or cauda equina is suspected order a?
What is MRI
what 2 lab values are trended by trauma surgeons to evaluate adequate resuscitation?
What is lactate and base deficit.
around was percentage of unintentional injuries are MVA related?
What is ~30%
which unesco world heritage site was built as a mausoleum for his wife mumtaz?
What is the Taj mahal
What is the secondary survey?
What is obtain pertinent HPI, and injuries not found on primary surgery- extended physical exam- look for contusions/lacerations/deformities AMPLE A- allergies, M- meds, P- past medical, L- last meal, E- environments and events)
Name 2 comorbidities which may be red flags for pathological fracture with minimal or no trauma
What is cancer, advanced age, osteoporosis, or prolonged glucocorticoid use,
when do you perform an ED thoracotomy?
What is with 1. penetrating trauma and witnessed cardiac arrest/hypotensive despite resusc 2. blunt trauma and rapid exsang from chest tube/hypotension despite resusc
what considerations need to be made when clearing one's c-spine or in deciding which imaging to order?
What is Nexus, c-spine criteria- age, mechanism of injury, height of fall, bike?, MVA, ambulatory, neck pain/tenderness, ROM, distracting injuries, focal neurologic deficit, intoxication, decreased level of consciousness,
name 1 of the 2 countries from which you can view both the pacific and atlantic oceans from a mountain peak?
What is panama or costa rica
in which stage of shock does BP decrease
What is III
If L5 is affectedby a disc herniation, what deficits will you see in terms of sensation, motor, reflexes
What is L5- decreased sensation in the first web space, weakness with extension of the great toe, but normal reflexes
the ACS requirement for a surgeon to be present for major resuscitation of a trauma pt (name 2/4)
What is hypotension (SBP<90), RR requiring intubation, GCS<8, penetrating GSW to neck ,chest, abd, or pelvis
name 3 physiologic changes that occur with age contribute to falls/traumas?
What is decr cardiopulm reserve, decreased renal fxn, decreased bone density, cerebral atrophy, decreased vision, decreased hearing, gait instability, antihypertensives, sedatives
how many time zones does the greatest country in the world (mother russia) cross?
What is 9
in which stage of shock have you lost 15-30% blood volume?
What is stage II
If S1 is affectedby a disc herniation, what deficits will you see in terms of sensation, motor, reflexes
What is S1- diminished sensation of the lateral foot and small toe, impaired plantar flexion, and a decreased or absent ankle jerk
name 2 risk factors/pt demographic/whats high risk for bad outcome in trauma? --> these are situations in which EMS has to call medical control and requires them to bring to trauma center
What is age >55, children, anticoagulants, coagulopathy, burns, time-sensative limb injury, ESRD on HD, pregnant >20weeks
Give 2 examples of high impact injuries
What is falls: adults >20 ft, children- >10ft. MVA with extrusion, ejection, death in same compartment, auto/ped or bike thrown, run over, or with >20mph impact. motorcycle >20mph
how many separate countries did the 1 greatest country in the world split into after the communist collapse?
What is 15
which antifibrinolytic agent has been shown to decrease mortality in trauma patients at risk of major bleeding?
What is tranexamic acid