Procedures 1.0
Procedures 2.0
Completion of Work

When should a student use the electric sharpener in a class? 

Use the electric one BEFORE or AFTER class ~ NOT during.What other options do we have if we need to sharpen one? 


When are the ONLY times students should be using their chromebooks in school?

For school-related work.  NO GAMES! 


Where is the DAILY planner located? 

Homeroom Brightspace 


What can a student do if they don’t understand how to do an assignment?

If in class, raise your hand to ask or clarify the directions.  If you are NOT in class you can email the teacher ~ we will respond. 


What three things should students do when they are dismissed at the end of class?

Put away ALL materials neatly, push in my chair & TAKE my stuff (including my water bottle) with me! 


What should you have on your desk at the beginning of every class?

ONLY the materials that are listed on the 'Today We Will' slide displayed on the class board.  


Where is work posted for the different units we study for each class ONLINE?  

That subject on Brightspace, CONTENT and the name of what we are studying.  


What are THREE options students should do during Tutorial they are done with their weekly school assignments?

Work on i-ready, read quietly, or check ClassCraft. 


What are options for students to do if they finish their work in class early?

CHECK over my work (did I correctly submit it to BRIGHTSPACE?), look on the board for directions, read or sit quietly. 


What are the THREE things that should be written in the Table of Contents in our notebooks for class? 

1.  Date of entry

2.  Title of entry

3.  Page number in your notebook


What are the three big expectations when completing an online assignment whether we are in class or at home?

1.  READ the directions

2.  COMPLETE the work fully! 

3.  Submit completely in Brightspace. 


When should students be using their PERSONAL  electronics?

 Personal devices are only for before or after school.  


When can students use the restroom?

Before class begins.  Take care of your business BEFORE class starts. 


Where does each students' folder and notebook go at the end of class?

In the alphabetical (by last name) bins in the room. NEATLY!  


How can students check if their work is completed on Brightspace?

Go to that assignment and when you click on it you should see FIREWORKS/CONFETTI! 


Where are the paper towels located? 

On top of the microwave. 


If a student needs to leave the classroom, what 2 things must they do?  

Ask for permission to leave (for whatever the purpose) and SIGN OUT completely!


Where are the bandaids and extra masks located?  

On the red shelves under the phone by the door. 


Where do students turn in 'old school' paper assignments? 

Turn-In Bin for that specific class! 


What are the names of Mrs. Hodge & Mr. Robinson's children? 

1. Scarlet

2. Peter & Hannah
