What do you write with?
iPad or pencil
What do we need to wear on your face to keep us healthy and safe?
Mask or Sunglasses
Why are we not in school every day?
Coronavirus or Hurricane
Who teaches you English?
Ms. Santo or Ms. Thiele
Ms Thiele
School or home
What do you read?
Pen or Book
What do you need to wash your hands with?
Ketchup or Soap
What is the Coronavirus?
Germ or friend
Who teaches you PE?
Mr. Dent or Ms. Thiele
Ms. Dent
What do you check your temperature with?
Thermometer or Microwave
What do you sit on?
chair or window
If you need to cough or sneeze, where should you do this?
Elbow or hands
What shape is the coronavirus?
Crown or square
Who teaches you History?
Ms. Thiele or Mr. Dent
Ms. Thiele
Where do you go if you are sick?
School or Doctor's office
doctor's office
Doctor or teacher
If you are not near a sink, what can you wash your hands with?
Mud or hand sanitizer
hand sanitizer
What is it called when you have space in between people?
Hugs or social distancing
Social distancing
Who teaches you math?
Ms. Santo or Ms. Thiele
Ms. Santo
To prevent others from getting sick, you need to put your mask over your nose and ____________.
Ears or mouth
Who is your history teacher?
Mrs. Muir or Ms. Thiele
Ms. Thiele
How many feet do you need to be from someone right now?
10 feet or 6 feet
6 feet
What country did the Coronavirus come from?
France or China
Who is our principal?
Ms. Thiele or Mrs. Muir
Mrs. Muir
What should you drink plenty of to stay healthy?
Soda or water