How many legs does a spider have?
8 (eight)
How many continents are there on Earth?
Name one country in Asia?
China, Japan, India, and many others
What body part can't touch the ball in soccer....except for the goalie?
twenty seven plus four
31 (thirty one)
What do you get if you freeze water?
The number of oceans on earth
What City is the Eiffel Tower located?
Paris, France
In what game do you need to be tall and jump high?
Basketball or volleyball
104 divided by 26
4 (four)
What 3 things do animals need to live?
What is the capital of Australia
What nation believed in Olympic gods (Zeus, Aphrodite, etc.)?
Ancient Greeks
What was the capital of Olympics 2014?
How many minutes is a quarter of an hour?
15 minutes
What bird can't fly?
Penguin, ostrich, kiwi
What is the 4th planet from the sun?
The UK consists of which countries
What is running for 40 kilometers?
What geometry figure has 3 sides?