IEP components
Sped Acronymns
Types of Evaluations
Transition Page
A little bit of this and that

This page consist of Student strengths, functional and academic needs, parent comments, student interest and other information.

What is the profile page?


What does this acronym stand for IEP

Individualized Education Plan


Name two evaluations that are listed on the IEP annual goal page

What is; data collection, teacher test, grades, observation, work samples, state assessments, curriculum based assessments, other

(accept 2 from this list)


Yes or no,

The credits and diploma option should be checked and correct on the transition page.

What is yes

These considerations are reviewed during the IEP,

does the student need braille, does the student have limited English proficiency, does the student participate in transition to list a few. What is the official name of this section reviewed

What is special instructional factors.


This component of the IEP that contains information specific to what the student is to accomplish during the IEP year specific to their academic , functional or behavioral need.  

What is the Annual Goal?


This acronym stands for the amount of time a student is in the general education setting with other students

What is the LRE or Least Restrictive Environment


What is the time frame in which an initial referral and IEP must be completed

What is 90 days


How many activities should be included for each transition goal

What is 2


This form is used to document what occurred during an IEP meeting

What is the Notice of Proposal or Refusal to take action


This page of the IEP describes services that the student will receive during the school year. It may have transition services, speech services, behavioral health counseling or program modifications.

What is the service page of the IEP


This is the acronym used to identify the law that supports and funds special education services

What is IDEA


What is the assessment that all 11th grade students take in the spring semester. It is a prediction of abilities and how they will perform in college

What is the ACT


The date that the student is notified on the transition page should match the date on this form

What is the Notice and Invitation to a Meeting


True or False, You may add services such as transportation, behavioral health counseling, occupational therapy or physical therapy without a central office staff member present at the IEP meeting

What is False. 

This component of the IEP must be supported by data and show that the student has regressed in academic skills and has not recouped the skills in an appropriate amount of time.

What is Extended School Year

What does FAPE stand for
What is Free and Appropriate Public Education

This assessment is used to evaluate students who participate in an Alternate Curriculum based on the Alabama Course of Study

What is the Alabama Alternate Assessment or Triple A

Name 2 of the sections that are included in the transition standard

What is academic/training, personal/social, daily living/occupations/careers

Transition sections of the IEP must be completed prior to the students ------ birthday.

What is 16th


This component of the IEP is specific to the students need. It must contain the current level of performance, the need of the student and how it impacts their performance in the general education curriculum

What is the PLAAFP


This acronym describes the person that attends an IEP meeting who has the capability to make decisions that involve cost, curriculum or services to best serve the student

What is an LEA

During a special education students school career, how often must the be reevaluated

What is every 3 years


A student who receives special education services may attend until they are ----- years old

What is 21


True or False

An IEP must be completed for every student who is eligible for special education every fiscal year

