What is this classroom room number?
True or False: You can loose points towards your grade if you break a class rule
True or False: It is ok to keep my phone on my desk or head phones in my ears as long as I'm not using them
False, they should be put away unless I instruct you otherwise
What 2 things should you do when entering the classroom?
put away electronic devices & begin on bellwork
What happens the first time you misuse an electronic or for a level 1 infracture?
What is Ms. Lang's favorite thing to do?
travel! :)
What percentage of your grade will make up tests and projects?
What 2 things (categories) should you be respectful of in the classroom?
Everyone and Everything!
What is the procedure for using the restroom in this class?
sign out on whiteboard and wait until I dismiss you to go
5 minutes maximum
What 3 things happen the second time you misuse an electronic device?
Notify your guardian
I keep your device until the end of class
What does CTE stand for?
Career Technical Education
What percentage of your grade will make up Daily Classwork?
What does it mean to actively participate?
Raising your hand to answer questions and participate in discussions.
Don't make me have to randomly choose students
What is the procedure for exiting the classroom?
Do not pack up until I tell you to
Remain seated until the bell rings
What happens on the third time you misuse an electronic device?
Notify your guardian
Keep your phone until after lunch
What is our principals name?
Mr. Cruz
Where can you check to see what grade you have?
What does coming prepared to class look like? List 3 categories
1. On time
2. In dress code and
3. With necessary materials (chromebook, charger, pencil, and pen)
If you are absent what 2 things should you do?
1. Check Google Classroom
2. Ask a classmate
What happens if you get 4 tardies?
lunch detention
What was the name of the country I visited this summer?
Name 3 categories of things that you can loose points on for your daily work ethic grade?
Tardy, No ID, Dress Code Violation, not following class rules/ procedures, disruptive behavior, not respecting the right of others to learn, no grooming, misuse of electronics
What 3 things happen if you get caught cheating on a test or copying another student's work?
1. You will receive a zero
2. and not be able to make up the assignment.
3. If it happens more than once you will get a referral
When are you allowed to use the restroom in class?
After the first 30 minutes and before the last 15 minutes
Name 3 things that count as a level 1 infracture
Misuse of electronics
Not being respectful
Not coming to class prepared
Not participating