Who should you go visit if you are feeling sick?
The nurse
Where do we go for recess?
The playgrounds out back behind P.E.
In order to say your answer you must raise your?
Where do you put your bookbag at?
The back of your chair
What do we use to write with in our classroom?
A #2 pencil
Who is our principal?
Mrs. Johnson
Name the place where you can find a lot of books to check out
The Media Center
At Special Area
Where do you keep your pencils, highlighters, and erasers?
In your pencil pouch
What is one of the names of the teachers you see for special area?
Mr. Nutt
Ms. Wiltz
Coach Stiltner
Coach Laye
Mrs. Barry
Who is the assistant principal?
Mrs. O'Quinn
Where do we eat lunch?
The cafeteria
What should you do if someone is being a bully?
Let an adult know
Where can you find books to read during your free time?
In the classroom library
What should you have ready to go on your desk in the morning?
A #2 pencil and your social studies book
Who do you go to if you have an overdue book?
Mrs. Barry
Where can I find a new pencil to replace my broken one?
In the pencil bin labeled "sharp"
How do you ask to use the restroom?
Give the bathroom signal
Where does your finished work go?
Into the turn in bin
Should I be chewing gum?
Absolutely not
Who do you go to if the hallway doors are locked?
The front office staff
Where can you find your Math and Science teacher?
Right across the hallway. Mrs. Maynard/Ms. Bellamy
What kind of voice should you use in class?
A quiet conversation. Inside voice.
Where can I find the standards of the day?
On the focus wall
What holiday do we celebrate in the beginning of September?
Labor Day