What is a bathroom procedure?
using a popsicle stick, using the hand signals, not going during instructional time, keeping it clean, washing hands
What is one of our classroom agreements?
hands to self, worry about you, keep it safe, be kind, respectful and honest
Name one of the steps in Give Me 5
eyes on speaker, ears are listening, mouth is quiet, hands and feet are still
Where do we turn in finished work?
the turn-in basket
We can earn classroom dojo points by ...
showing leadership, being ready to start the day, earning a compliment star, having an amazing day, completing a big assignment on-time
What do we do when lining up?
stand-up quietly, push in chair, hands to self, eyes are forward, level 0 voice in hallways, line order
When do you use a level 0 voice?
in the hallway, when lining up for lunch, during a test or quiz
What is an teacher only area in the classroom?
fire/electric box, lava lamp, teacher desk, bathroom cabinet, white supply cabinet
What is the job of the computer assistant?
To plug in all chrome books at the end of the day
Name the three brain states
executive, emotional and survival state
We place a students picture in the wish well heart when they ...
are absent, having a hard day, need someone to check on them
What is the lunch officers duty?
to bring the lunch cart to recess, take back the lunch cart at the end of recess
We enter the hallways and gym with a level zero voice, we enter both lunch lines, we clean up when finished, we are respectful of lunch staff, we sit at our assigned table
What is a library expectation?
treat books with respect, keep the library tidy, return books to book return bin
What is a computer expectation?
be respectful of device, responsible for headphones and QR code, use only your device (number)
What is an indoor recess activity?
Read, Color, Draw, Use whiteboards (do not erase information on board), chat with friends, play with card games, board games and puzzles
What is one group work procedure?
get along, respect others, on-task behavior, use quiet voices, participate, stay in your group
How do we ask a question in class?
What is an end of day routine?
put supplies away, clean up table and floor, check mailbox, complete job, put up chair
What is a rainy day recess expectation?
no yelling or running, include all classmates, be respectful to classmates and staff, clean up before recess ends, be respectful of off-limits area
What does it mean when you place your safe keeper in the basket?
You are agreeing to our classroom agreements that day
What is stamina?
Doing anything for a long time without getting tired or giving up
How can you earn a compliment star?
by having a zero voice in the hallway, being respectful in music and library, earning a 10 in PE, walking in the hallway, cleaning up table at lunch
What is a growth mindset?
the belief that people can improve their abilities and intelligence through effort and challenges, the power of yet!