How many students do we have in our classroom?
Where is the first place you should go in the morning when you get to school?
Grab ONE breakfast if you need one, and then put all your stuff away in your locker.
How many pencils should you have sharpened for the day?
And we have brand NEW electric sharpeners!!
What is Ms.Basior's favorite subject?
Math :)
How many principals do we have at our school?
Mr. Ross and Mr. McCabe
How should the classroom room LOOK and SOUND while Ms. Basior is teaching?
Everyone is sitting, following along, and raising their hands to answer/ask a question
What are the 4 things that should be completed in the arrival time?
1. Use the bathroom
2. Fill water
3. Order lunch
4. Start morning work
When is a good time to ask to use the bathroom?
Whenever we have down time:
Arrival, Morning work, Recess, Transition Time.. etc.
When students are talking while I am trying to teach!!!
What is our room number?
1. Sit and eat like normal humans
2. Talk to the people at your table NOT 5 tables away
3. Clean up after yourself
4. Don't do gross things at the table
Math Spiral Review
Complete the 3 questions, get checked by Ms. Basior, and put in your red math folder.
How should you leave your desk at the end of the day?
Clean and tidy. All papers are put away, pencils put away, and the area is clean of any garbage!!
How many books did Ms.Basior read over the summer?
3 #nerd
How many minutes should you have on iReady each week?
40 :)
What are 3 safety drills that we practice at school?
1. Fire Drills
2. Shelter in Place
3. Lock Down
What do you think dismissal time should look like?
A. Running around the classroom
B. Sitting at your seat and talking quietly
C. Hitting the gritty
D. Playing on chromebooks
When is a good time to get up and wander around the classroom? (HINT: Trick quesiton)
NEVER! You should only be moving around the classroom when you have a PURPOSE. (Going to a new center, lining up, finding a partner, grabbing a tissue, getting materials.)
How many students did Ms.Basior see over the summer?
7 :)
Alana, Julian, Jason, Cassidy, Melva, Cole, Aubrey
What is Josh Allen's Jersey number??
What is something you can do if you finish all your assigned work?
1. Read :)
2. Work on iReady minutes
3. Free write/draw/color
4. Study/work on homework/missing work
5. Chromebooks (morning ONLY)
Fill in the blanks:
We are going to keep our classroom and lockers __________ and organized.
Our classroom is a ___________ place where we can all learn and ____________ each other.
Everyone in this classroom will practice being _________ and accepting of EVERYONE !
Safe and help
What is Ms. Basior's favorite day of the week?