How do we leave the classroom for a drill?
What are tickets? How do you earn them?
Tickets is used for our classroom store. You earn them by following the classroom rules.
What day of the week do we have a different schedule?
What is Ms. Nabico's favorite coffee place?
What is the mascot/animal of Sun Blaze?
What song do we sing before leaving the classroom?
Eyes on the door, feet on the floor, hands behind my back, say no more
How do you earn Sunny Money?
How should you behave in the hallway before school?
Remain seated, Using a Level 1 or 0 Voice, Your backpack in your lap, heading straight to your location
How many years has Ms. Nabico been teaching?
3 years
Where do you go when you need a new book?
The Library
Where do you go if you are Champions for dismissal?
Line up on the wall
How should we treat/use the bathroom?
Always flush, wash your hands, leave it clean, turn on/off the lights
What are our classroom signals?
Cross Fingers - Bathroom, 1 - Tissue, 2 - Pencil, 3 - Water, 5 - Question
Where did Ms. Nabico go to college?
University of Central Florida (UCF)
Who do you go to when you need an adult to talk to about a serious problem?
Mrs. DiPaolo
We always line up in _________ order.
Number Order
What should you do when you come in the classroom in the morning?
Look at the board, unpack, put your binder away, write down your homework
When do we have snack time? What should you bring for snack?
Snack is always after reading. You should bring 1-2 healthy snacks and NO JUICE!
What other language does Ms. Nabico know how to speak?
What grades are outside in the portables?
4th & 5th (1st is okay too)
How should we line up in the hallway?
Staying quiet, water bottles by our side, eyes forward, hands to our side, no running
What are our 3/4 classroom rules? How do you follow them?
Be Kind, Try Your Best, Show Respect, Be Safe
How do you behave at lunch and recess?
Lunch - Stay in your seat, hands/feet to yourself, inside voices, do NOT share food
Recess - Stay in our area to play, hands to yourself, be kind to one another
How old is Ms. Nabico?
What are the names of our Principal and 2 Assistant Principals?
Mrs. Wyatt, Mr. Jesso, Dr. Wilson