When You enter the classroom, what is the first item you pick up?
When I come to class, in order to write I will need what utensil?
a pencil or pen.
When I am not at school, I should check this to see if anything was assigned that I can go ahead and complete.
Google Classroom
What is the name of both of my teachers in this class?
Ms. Tammy Wells and Mr. David Featherston
How many state championships has the HCHS Patriots football team won?
2 times.
When you enter the classroom what is the second thing you do?
Put cell phone in pocket chart.
What item will you need for class in order to write down information, besides a pencil?
Notebook paper.
When I return to class after being absent, I have _____ days to complete any makeup work for credit.
Which one of my teachers graduated from HCHS?
Ms. Wells
What year was the high school opened?
When you need to go to the restroom, what do you do?
Sign out and take pass and sign in when you return.
What item will I need in order to keep my notes and graded assignments organized and available?
A folder
Why is it important to do your work in every class?
So you have good grades.
Which one of my teachers likes to roast their own coffee beans?
Mr. Featherston
Name the Principal and all 4 assistant principals of HCHS this school year.
Michelle Webb, Steve Summers, Robin House, Leah Nolan and Jake Anderson.
When you have trash at your desk and the bell rings, what do you do with it?
take it to the trash can upon leaving.
What will I need to keep handouts and homework?
A pocket folder.
What will I need to visit the nurse?
Nurse pass and nurse slip.
Which teacher do you think lives in McKenzie?
Mr. Featherston.
How many students are enrolled at the high school. (Round number)
When the teacher or your classmate is talking, what do you do to show respect?
Be quiet and listen.
Which of the following was not included in items I need for class: Glue, notebook or paper, folder, pen or pencil.
Who or what dissmisses you from the class?
my teacher.
Which teacher do you think graduated from Bethel University in McKenzie?
What famous person from history is "Henry" county named for?
Patrick Henry