Do you need to ask for permission to borrow a Chromebook or a charger that belong to the teacher's room?
How many times do I write a new quote and new joke on the board?
Once every week
What is something you should not do when the teacher asks for a Time-Out "T"?
A. Give the teacher the "T" symbol back
B. Get other students to be quiet by asking them in a voice louder than everyone else.
C. Stop moving and look at the teacher
What is a computer expectation when someone is speaking up front or sharing good things?
Courtesy Close
Do you need to make a smart pass if the office calls you do to see them?
What corner will you go in to sit quietly when there is a lock-down?
The teacher's desk corner
After the principal or assistant principal signs your gree sheet, when can you discuss your green sheet with your teacher?
A. Anytime that works for you
B. Before or After School
C. During your Advisory Class
Before going to the library, what is something you should do if you need a charger and the teacher's chargers are loaned out?
Quietly ask classmates if they have one you can borrow
What is one very important thing you need to do if you are the "Good Things" leader?
Call students by their name or ask them what their name is, if you don't know.
Are you allowed to touch things on the teacher's desk?
What at home routine did your teacher discuss with you to help you be prepared for your school day.
Charge your chromebook at home, at night.
What are some options when you finish work early?
Missing work, homework, IXL, Epic Reading
How do you show you have to go to the bathroom ...
Your hand is up with your pointer finger pointing toward ceiling.
When can you have a snack in class?
Name the three words/phrases that must be on every social contract
effort, no put downs, listening
What should you do if a friend is trying to talk to you when the teacher or someone in class is sharing?
Ignore or kindly give them the shhh sign
What does your teacher look for to dismiss you from class. Five main things. (100 points for each one right)
Your chair pushed in
You standing by your chair
Desks lined up
Floor picked up
All chargers/Chromebooks in place
When do you start packing up your things?
When Mrs. Reder or teacher in charge says to
What are the 4 Questions that need to be considered when making your social contract? (100 pts per correct question and a bonus 100 pts if your answers are close to exact)
1. How would you like to be treated by the teacher?
2. How would you like to be treated by each other?
3. How do you think the teacher wants to be treated?
4. How do you want to be treated during a conflict?
The teacher will make a Smart Pass for you if you do not have a Chromebook or your Chromebook is died?