Coming to school late causes what_______________?
The Three D's!!!
When two students are playing together how would you ask to join?
Ask if you can join too.
How often do I need to brush my teeth?
At least 2 times a day
The ____________ meal is the most important meal of the day.
Making fun of a friend is what____________?
Bonus- what happens?
What can I do if my sweatshirt smells funny, or my parents forgot to wash it?
Ask your teacher
When packing my backpack I need to remember my
It is okay to have more than one best friend- True or False?
Is it okay to come to school in the same clothes I slept in? Why or why not?
No, we sweat when we sleep.
My job in the morning is to _________________?
Get dress
Brush teeth
Pack my backpack
Is it okay to need a break from a friend?
Yes, sometimes we all need time by ourselves.
Can I skip washing my hands after I use the bathroom if I am in a hurry?
No, please wash your hands, we can wait!
When riding the bus to school I need to keep _______ to myself?
Can we be friends with someone that likes something we don't?
Of course- we are all different and we can have our own opinions.
Is it okay to come to school sick? Why or why not?
No, because my germs can get others sick and my body needs rest to feel better.