This is where to look to see when things are happening
What is On the weekly Update-Mrs. Maness's desk
True or False: It is okay to miss school?
True! Things will happen and you will have to miss school from time to time! Be responsible when it happens!
This is the BEST time to use the bathroom.
What is at break and lunch.
This is where your phone and smartwatch need to live during the school day?
What is in your backpack and TURNED OFF.
This is the habit that asks you to listen to someone's side of the story before you jump in and blame.
Habit 5--Seek first to understand, then be understood
This is where chip wrappers, pencil shavings, used tissues, etc. would go.
What is the trash can.
This is the person who is responsible for making up missed work.
What is YOU!
This is how many people should be lined up to get a drink?
What is: none-no line at the drinking fountain
This is the chromebook you should use.
What is the one that is assigned to you!
When you feel distracted or bored or frustrated, this habit reminds you to get done what you need to get done.
Habit 3- Work first, then play or Put first things first
This is where paper that is used on both sides would go, a plastic water bottle, etc.
What is the recycling.
These are the resources that can help you when you miss school.
What are: Google Classroom, While You Were Out, Your Teachers, Your teammates, the hanging folder, The Make Up Master
This is the number of people that should go into the office from the classroom.
What is 1.
What is SIGN OUT!
To be an effective team we need to use this habit.
What is habit 6- synergize!
This is how the library is organized, provide as much detail as you can!
What is--by lexile and series
This is what you should plan on attending if you miss school?
What is the after school study hall, Monday, Tuesday or Thursday after school.
This is the only thing that should be ever be on your chromebooks.
What is your fingers and your name tag!
Work hard during class so that during breaks and when you get home you can use this habit.
What is habit 7-sharpen the saw
This is where you would find supplies.
What is the labeled drawers.
This is how long you have to make up missed work?
What is a week, but we can accommodate your needs! But, it is your responsibility!
This is where you can find tissues, band-aids and envelopes for when you lose a tooth!
What is the counter by the sink
The power cord should be on what side of the chromebook, when in the cart.
What is the RIGHT side.
This habit reminds us to take a minute to think ahead, so that we can avoid being reactive.