General Information

What are you honored with when you go above and beyond expectations at school?

TRC Cards


What do you need to get out every morning for Mrs. Tinholt to check?



You can bring a book, ball, or paper and pencil out to recess, but you can't bring any other toys from home. True or false?


Balls, books, and paper are allowed outside as long as you bring them back in and put them where they belong.


What is the voice volume in the hallway while walking?

Level 0 - silent


Where can I find my login information if I forget it?

Under my name tag


Where should you wait to be let in at the start of the day and after recess?

A. On the steps

B. On the playground woodchips

C. On the starred line

D. On the basketball court

C. On the STARRED LINE! (not on the steps or woodchips)


When are ideal times to use the restroom? (name 3)





What is each student's job at the end of recess? What is the equipment manager's job?

Your job - clean up after yourself, any equipment used must be returned!

Equipment manager - scan playground AS YOU'RE WALKING IN to grab anything that is left behind (equipment or lost & found items). Still walk in with rest of class!


How do we make sure we share the hallway?

Always stay right behind the person in front of you, don't walk side by side

Who is in charge of making sure all the chromebooks are put back?

Tech Helper 


What does TEAM stand for?

Take Responsibility

Everyone Safe

Always Respectful

Make a Difference


How do you handle these situations:

1. Runny nose

2. Needing to sharpen your pencil

1. Runny nose - just get up to get a tissue, don't need to ask if you are using things in the classroom space. 

2. Go to the pencil sharpener and SWAP pencils, put your dull one in the dull jar and grab a sharpened one. Try not to use the pencil sharpener mid lesson if possible.


List 3 examples of a 'kid-sized' problem. What can you do to solve them?

Kid-Sized problems: Arguing over what game to play, taking turns, someone getting too competitive, not sharing equipment, etc.

What to Do? TLC! Talk - Leave - Contact


What is a TRC Spy looking for in the hallway (name 3)

Someone who is...

1. Silent

2. Walking single file

3. Paying attention to where the line goes/when it stops


How do we plug in the chromebooks to make sure they're charging? (list steps)

Put the chrome book...

In it's correct numbered spot

Charger plugged in

White sticker side facing the board

Hinge facing down


Mrs. Tinholt calls our class a community. What can we do to show respect to our classroom and our community members. (name 2)


Raise hand to speak

Ask to borrow a resource

be considerate of othersss

Be kind


Name 5 expectations of students when they are working independently 

1. Stay in work area

2. Be on task

3. Don't distract / talk with others

4. Raise hand for help

5. Don't stop if you get stuck, move on to what you can do


Scenario: It's the third week of school and you notice someone eating alone. Your table is full and you like who you sit next to, but you notice this person has no one to talk to. Name 3 ways you might react to be a friend to the person eating alone.

1. Go up to them and ask if they'd like someone to sit with them. Decide tomorrow to switch up seats (make a spot for them or sit at their table)

2. Ask them to play with you at recess. 

3. Walk with them out of the lunchroom or out to recess to get to know them better.


What is your job in the hallway when you first arrive at school? (name 5)

1. Bring in homework binder

2. Put backpack and all other belongings in locker, not on floor or table

3. Place lunch box in lunch basket

4. Once jobs are done, go to the door, don't turn and chat 

5. Greet your friends and teachers


What are 3 unsafe ways to avoid handling a chrome book?

What are 3 safer ways to use a chrome book?

Unsafe Ways: Near drinks, Eating over it, On the floor or edge of desk, Carrying it with a one hand hold

Safer Ways: No food or drink nearby, In center of desk or in lap, Two hand hold when carrying it


What is the name of Wealthy's new secretary. Name one of them. 

Mrs. Ebers

Mrs. Kolakowski


Name 5 expectations of what you should do during partner/group work time

1. Stay in work area

2. Talk with group / partner only

3. Use a soft whisper voice, volume 1

4. Be focused on task

5. Work together if you get stuck (two brains are better than one!)


Scenario: You're packing up to go to recess. When you look down the table, you see it's covered in crumbs and wrappers and there's even some trash on the ground. You weren't sitting there and it's not your mess. How could you be a TEAM player here?

1. Ask some friends to help pick up the mess with you. 

2. Find the people sitting there before going out to recess and mention in a kind way that some trash was left behind. Offer to help them clean it up. 


What items should be in your locker? (Name 3-4)

1. Backpack

2. Gym shoes

3. Coat

4. Magnets or photos if you brought any

X No medicine, loose papers, trash, or food!


Scenario: You get online to do an assigned activity. You feel like you should update your screen saver and your cursor to make your chrome book feel more personalized. Would that be okay to do before the assigned activity? Why or why not?

No - not without permission. When you are assigned an activity, it's crucial you go to only the sites assigned. If you go elsewhere, technology privileges could be lost.
