Morning Meeting
Participation Strategies

How is your student safely transferred from one place to another?

What is a mechanical lift and sling.


We start our meeting with a good morning song playing drums and naming all the students in attendance.  Why is this important?

What is that it helps students recognize that part of the day and anticipate what comes next with repetitive routines and allows the students to wake up their senses by playing drums together with staff.


This therapy helps our students with vestibular balance, daily living skills, upper extremity concerns and feeding and nutrition goals?

What is Occupational Therapy which is provided by Matt and Roberta.


What is used to help students participate in group games or simple math activities?

What are vibrating dice, regular dice, shaky dice and button dice.


What device helps our students make a choice during group games?

We have switch operated spinners.


What device allows for vertical standing to strengthen core muscles and improve weight bearing?

What is a supine stander or dynamic stander.


What things help students  participate in morning meeting games and math activities?

What are vibrating dice, button dice and shaky dice.


What type of therapy works gross motor skills like standing, weight bearing, and deals with smo's, afo's and other lower body braces?

What is physical therapy which is provided by Denise and Katie.


What is used to help the students answer yes/no questions and respond to simple fact questions about topics we are learning about?

What are voice output switches, pecs boards and dynavox devices.


What app is used to easily communicate with class teachers and provides fun pictures of some of our activities?

What is class dojo?


What different equipment allows for students to communicate via eye gaze?

What are ipads, voice output switches, choice boards and dynavox type devices.


What is one way we help students anticipate what their day  will be like?

What is a tactile schedule that students help make everyday so they can know what to expect from the day or a first/then board.


What therapy is being done that has replaced Sister Martha that allows students to engage in artistic activities and explore music in a variety of ways?

What is creative arts therapy which is provided by Meaghan?


We often do word searches and crosswords in class. How do we help the students participate?

What is putting clues in a plastic egg that students can use fine motor skills to grab and make their choices with.


What are some fun in house field trips and activities the school regularly has?

What are touch a truck, halloween party, summer fun fridays, prom, valentines day dance and spirit week.


What equipment allows for students to deal wth vestibular input and improve balance skills?

What are U-boats, balance boards, benches and swings.


Many of our morning meeting activities revolve around similar topics that are called what?

What are weekly themes.


What activity do we engage in simple sports, games and movement activities using balls, various dice, bowling equipment, parachutes and other fun games?

What is adaptive physical education or adapted recreational skills which is provided by Dave.


How do you think we can play tic tac toe with all students?

We use a tic tac toe grid that has numbers 1 through 9, and two sets of pictures based on our theme.  Students roll a dice that has to number nine and that is how placement is determined.


What activity helps us learn prevocational skills like pouringg, stirring, direction following and also provides sensory stimulation?

We do weekly cooking activities, sometimes related to themes.


What equipment helps with better positioning of students throughout the day?

What are Rifton chairs, "E" leg wedges, slanted wedges and various foam pillows and beanbags.


What are some of the choices students have during morning meeting?

What are theme related books, theme related songs, ELA, math, trivia, games, art, science, ss and cooking.


What therapy allows students time to experience dogs, and also helps to calm students during therapy time?

What is dog therapy with Sansa and Erv?


What is a simple way for students to help create their own theme related crafts?

What is using switch activated scissors or simple bingo dobbers to paint in addition to switch spin arts and marble painting.


What are some activities we talk about at morning meeting?

We talk about current events, United States state fun facts and scholastics.
