What norm tells us how to treat classroom materials?
Take Care of Our Classrooms
Where are the pencils?
On the center table
Is today a Blue or White day?
Ms. Elliott's cat has what name?
Make a Voice Level 1
<quiet murmuring>
Which norm tells us about which thoughts are expressed or not expressed?
Think Before You Speak
How do I leave the classroom for the bathroom?
First, ask an adult if now is a good time.
Then sign the white board
Then take the pass with you
What is our principal's name?
Mr. Oliver
John Oliver
Mr. John
When does school end on Wednesdays?
What is 6 x 8
Which norm tells us how to care for other people?
Consider People's Needs
When and how do you sharpen a pencil?
Sharpen a pencil when the teacher is NOT talking, and do it as quickly and safely as possible.
I can store my smart devices in these two locations.
My locker, the office
What is the name of the woman who works the front desk?
Ms. Mia
What is the capitol of New Hampshire?
Which norm tells us how to help ourselves and other learn?
Create A Safe, Understanding and Positive Learning Environment
How long is should I take when I go to the bathroom or water fountain?
3-5 minutes
If I see something that looks wrong, what do I do?
Tell a trusted adult, step in to help a friend if it is safe
When is it a good time to ask to use the restroom?
Independent work time.
When I know what the next activity is and it is fully explained
Who is Jimmy Carter?
39th president
died at 100 this week
Exemplary American citizen
What is a norm we could create for the next quarter?
<answers vary>
When is it a good time to use markers, sharpies and colored pencils?
During a drawing activity that the whole class is doing.
How many weeks left in this quarter?
What is the name of Percy Jackson's sword?
What Ocean does Lake Champlain attach to?
Atlantic Ocean