Level Zero
Where should you turn in your homework?
The tray in the front.
No restroom the first and last ten minutes of class.
What level should be at in the hallway?
When you enter the classroom, what is the first thing you should grab?
Your drawer
What do you do the first ten minutes of lunch?
Each lunch, No talking!
When is homework due?
Every Friday
When do you sign up for the restroom?
Mr. Shaver has to approve you. You are only allowed to sign up when it is independent work. You use the bathroom signal.
How many lines should there be in the hallway?
After you grab your drawer, what is the next thing you should do?
Sharpen pencils, get your materials out.
What days do we have recess outside?
Tuesday, Friday, and every other Wednesday.
When does new homework get passed out?
Every Friday, Monday at the latest.
When are you allowed to use the restroom?
Group Work
Independent work time
How should be facing in the hallway?
When you sit down, what does that mean?
You have all your materials and you ready to learn.
What day do we have indoor recess?
Monday, Thursday, and the Wednesday we do not go out.
When is work that was not finished in class due?
The next day.
What are some things that you should not be doing in the hallway?
Out of line, sitting on the floor, leaning on the floor.
When I say go, Practice the classroom procedure. You only have 1 chance. GO!!!
Teacher is looking for students to grab all materials.
15 minutes
What happens if you don't turn in homework.
Use classroom materials that belong to Mr. Shaver
Ask permission, treat them with respect, put them back where you found them and how you found them.
When I say go, you need to line up in the hallway and meet all highway expectations. If someone does not do it, you have to come back and try it again.
Teacher is looking for scholars to meet expectations.