What would be an example of positive behavior in the classroom?
Raising a quiet hand, getting started on work right away, sitting properly in your seat
What is the first thing you should do when coming into the classroom?
Put away your backpack, folder, and lunchbox. Turn in any important papers, use the bathroom and sharpen your pencil!
Where is the schedule located?
At the front of the classroom
How do we walk in the hallway on our way to recess and lunch?
In a calm manner, staying in line.
How many students are in our classroom?
25 (This may change!)
What is an example of being safe?
Keep your hands to your self, using materials appropriately, staying in your area
Name one expectation about our classroom library.
Place books back in the correct bin, take care of the books, and let the teacher know if a book is ripped
Where do you turn in paperwork?
At the front table in the black bin.
Where do packers find a tray?
Along the back wall.
What is my dogs name?
Name two different people who could give you a high 5 for following our high 5 expectations.
Teacher, Teacher's Assistant, Counselors, Principals, Cafeteria helpers, Nurse
True or False: Students are allowed to eat and drink while using chromebooks.
Where do book bags, and lunchboxes go?
Hanging in the cubbies or store in your cubbies. Nothing can be on the floor.
TRUE OR FALSE: At the playground it is okay to shove and scream at our friends?
FALSE! We should use kind words and gentle play.
Why do we have a half day this Friday and no school Monday?
We are celebrating labor day.
How should you sit on the bus?
Back to Back... Bottom to Bottom. Sitting forward, using a quiet voice.
True or False: Students are allowed to share food with one another throughout the day.
Where should finished work go?
In the correct black bin at the front table.
Tell me one way to get a green cup.
What do we say when we need something, and when someone gives us something?
What are the high 5 expectations?
1. Be responsible
2. Be Respectful
3. Be There, Be Ready
4. Follow Directions
5. Use Self- Control
Where is the hydration station?
When can you use it?
In the back of the classroom. We can only use our waterbottle and only during table work, group work, and eating time. We cannot use it during directions and whole group learning time.
Where is the bathroom sign-out sheet?
At the front table. Place the bathroom pass and hand-sanitizer at your desk. Return it when you get back.
What should we do if we need help at lunch?
Raise your hand, use please and thank you.
What should we do when we need help, and the teacher is busy?
Raise a quiet hand, or form a line. Please do not interrupt me if I am testing a student.