Devices Dos and Don'ts
(Lunch, Recess and Snack)
Coming and Going

These two types of devices are turned off and turned in at the start of the school day. 

What are cell phones and Smartwatches? 


Eighth graders can enter the cafeteria this many minutes into the lunch/ recess period. 

What is 10 minutes? 


The location students can be from 3:30-4:20 if they are in school and not participating in a sport, play rehearsal or other official activity. 

What is the after-school homework room? 

What a teacher should do when a student is out of dress code. 

What is email


True or false: This year, all students can only use school-controlled Chromebooks at school. 

What is true? 


These two periods are the designated snack periods. 

What are period 3 and period 8? 

25 point bonus: When during the period can snacks be eaten? 


True or false: all middle school teachers and students attend Friday asefa from 8:15-8:30. 

What is true? 

25 point bonus question: how does a teacher know which grade to sit with during asefa? 

A teacher who is out of school and needs coverage for a supervisory duty should do these two things. 

What are 

1. try to arrange coverage with a colleague 

2. let Brett know 

When/where can a student wear earbuds/airpods? 

What is only during study hall or in a classroom where a teacher has permitted earbuds/airpods (never in hallways, the cafeteria, or common spaces). 


Students must do this before entering the cafeteria and must to this before leaving the cafeteria. 

What are 

a) line up and wait for a teacher to let them into the cafeteria 

b) check out with a teacher 


The three teacher "must dos" during morning homeroom/mifgash boker. 

What are collect phones, take attendance, read morning announcements? 


This year, sub plans should be submitted this way. 

What is the sub plan template? 

25 point bonus: What information should subs add to the template? 


These are three device free moments during the school day. 

What are 

1. morning homeroom/mifgash boker

2. recess (unless in a supervised space where devices are permitted) 

3. hallways, especially before/after school and between classes 


Three spaces students may not hang out in during recess. 

What are hallways, unsupervised classrooms, and the deanery (unless meeting with a teacher). 


Students who arrive at school prior to 8:10 should go directly to one of these two places.

What are the gym and the Media Center? 

Teachers should return graded tests, papers, or projects in this amount of time. 

What are two weeks? 


The name of the program teachers use to monitor student devices during class. 

What is Securly? 


The new indoor hang-out space for students during lunch.

What is the Media Center? 


What a teacher should do if they leave campus during the school day. 

What is sign out using the sign out google form. 

25 point bonus: Whom should you tell if you plan to be gone for more than one hour or are leaving for the day? 


A student who is sent out of class to the deanery should be given this by the teacher. 

What is a student removal form? 
