School Places
Daily Schedule
Materials & Supplies
Leaving the Classroom

Where would I go to eat lunch with my friends?

What is the cafeteria?


Name one game that you play during recess or at gym.

What is tag/dodgeball etc.?


What should you do if you are thirsty and need a drink during class?

What is take a drink from your water bottle or wait for a break to ask to go to the water fountain?


Your teacher needs to get the attention of the class. What will your teacher do?

What is raise his/hand and wait for students to also raise their hand?

How should our class sound and look during a fire drill?

What is should sound silent and should look calm and orderly?


What would I go to play sports or ball games with my friends?

What is the gym or out at recess?


What time is dismissal?

What is 2:10?


Where are the chairs stacked during dismissal?

What is next to your table?


You finish your worksheet. Where should you turn it in?

What is in the "Finished Work" tray?


We are walking through the hallway. How should you look and sound?

What is we should sound silent and we should be single file in a line?


Where would I go to read lots of books and learn new things?

What is the library?


What do you recite together during the morning routine in homeroom?

What is the Pledge of Allegiance?


Where do you keep your independent reading books?

What is in your book bin on the shelf by the classroom entrance?


You want to ask a question during a lesson. What should you do?

What is raise your hand when your teacher asks for questions?


Time to line up! Where and how do you line up in the classroom?

What is we line up single file by door and wait for our teacher to dismiss us?


Where would I go if I hurt myself during the day?

What is the nurse's office?


What time is lunch?

What is 10:45 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays? 

(Wednesdays, K & L go at 10:45, but everyone else goes at 11:25 after Allied Arts).


Your pencil breaks in the midde of math. What should you do??

What is put it in the "unsharpened box" and grab another from your individual pencil case?


During quiet reading time, you finish your book early so you talk to a friend. What should you have done instead?

What is pick out a new book to read?


How do you ask the teacher for flexible seating?

What is raise your hand and ask politely for a wobble stool, seat cushion, or to stand at the standing desk?


Where would I go if my grown-up is picking me up early?

What is the office?


What is our first class every day after homeroom/Second Step?

What is reading?


You finished your book! How do you get a new book from the class library?

What is after finding a book, sign it out on the Book Sign-Out sheet?


What 3 things should you do when you arrive in the classroom?

What is:

1. Set your backpack down by your desk.

2. Unstack your chair

3. Get your book to read?


Where does our class stand during a fire drill?

What is near the maintenance shed (we turn left out the life skills hallway and out the door at the end of the hallway)?
