The 3 Ps
Class Procedures
Entering/Exiting the Classroom
Cooperative Groups

How many times can you be late to class (unexcused) before a referral is issued?

what is 3 times and after that its a referral.


Where do you turn in assignments?

What is the turn in bin on front counter if it is on time 

***if it is late or from when you were absent turn it into the designated bin with a yellow late work notification slip. 


How do you walk into the classroom if you are late (excused or unexcused)?

What is walk silently without distracting anyone and get to your seat quickly. Be sure to answer Mrs. C when she asks you why you are late.


What is my late policy?

What is 1 day late = 90%, 2-4 days late = 70%, and if a key is given or the assignment is review or it is 5 or more days late then a 50% is earned.


How do you get your group to work together?

What is by taking turns talking and sharing insight.


When is it okay to use your phone?

What is in hallways, lounge, cafeteria, and only when your teacher gives you permission and they also were given permission.


Where can I pick up papers that I will need for the period?

What is the student pick up center which is by the pencil sharpener.


What should you do at the end of class while waiting for the bell to ring?

What is wait at your desk not the door and write down any homework.


How is Schoology organized in Biology?

What is each topic has its own folder.

How many people is considered a group?
2 or more people.

What areas of the room are off limits?

What is never go into the storage closet or behind my desk.

Cabinets in the back are labeled with classroom supplies that you may go in.


When can I use the bathroom?

Before and in between classes and during independent work. If you need to go in between classes check in with me first so I know you may be a minute late or so. 


What is the routine when you first get to class?

What is place your bags out of the way, take out your Do Now sheet and complete the bell work on the daily slide.


What if I fail a test or do badly?

What is ask for a retake and create a pass to come in for ACT or retake the next ACT period for your class.


What if your group needs help?

What is ask another group first before you ask me.

*Ask 3 before me


What does productive look like in Biology?

What is always using your time wisely completing assignments for biology while in class and checking to make sure you are up to date on all of your assignments by checking PowerSchool.


When can I sharpen my pencil?

What is before class, during independent work, and end of class.* Not when Mrs. C is teaching/talking.


When is it ok to use the restroom?

What is before class, during independent work time (fill out a pass), or in between classes but be sure to check in with me first if you need to use the restroom before class. Never during direct instruction.


How can I get extra credit?

What is by completing assignments Mrs. C assigns as extra credit.

Bringing in extra class supplies, and earning Bio Bucks!


What does a good working group look like?

They are equally sharing, helping, and encouraging others and getting your work or project done. Work is divided and completed equally.


How can you respect others?

What is being personable by listening to them, helping when you can, using appropriate language and gestures.

Respect is earned not given automatically. 


Where can I find missing work if I was absent or an extra worksheet?

What is the ketchup folder.


How do you leave the class in order to use the restroom?

What is create a pass to the closest bathroom, bring laptop to Mrs. C to approve your pass. Walk out and back in without distracting anyone.


Where can I find my graded work and feedback from that work?

What is in PowerSchool and Schoology or in the graded work bin by the safety googles cabinet.

What kind of noise will working in group sound like?
Students talking quietly but not disrupting others.