What is the English for "CAHIER"
Copybook/ Notebook
Conjugue le verbe "Listen" à la 3eme personne du singulier au présent simple
He/ She listenS
Quelle est la capitale des USA?
Washington DC
Qui gouverne au Royaume-Uni? Attention ils sont 2
La Reine Elizaabeth II et le Premier Ministre Boris Johnson
Jane is a twenty-three-year-old teacher. She lives in Manchester but she was born in Canada. When she was young she used to play the violin and draw. Now she is single and spend her evening reading at home.
Quel âge a Jane?
23 ans
Complete : "Mrs Reilly is your English ......"
Quelle est la bonne proposition?
A. Yesterday we went to the cinema
B. Yesterday we go to the cinema
C. Yesterday we goed to the cinema
En Grande-Bretagne il y a l'Angleterre, l'Ecosse et ......
Le Pays de Galles
Cite un symbole de l'Irlande
Le trèfle, la harpe, le leprechaun, ...
Jane is a twenty-three-year-old teacher. She lives in Manchester but she was born in Canada. When she was young she used to play the violin and draw. Now she is single and spend her evening reading at home.
Quelle est la nationalité de Jane?
Find the odd one (intrus)
March - Autumn - July - September
Dans la phrase "Do you like English?", quel est la nature du mot DO?
Quel est l'intrus?
Ireland - Australia - Argentina - South Africa
D'où vient l'équipe de rugny nommées les All Blacks?
De Nouvelle Zélande
Jane is a twenty-three-year-old teacher. She lives in Manchester but she was born in Canada. When she was young she used to play the violin and draw. Now she is single and spend her evening reading at home.
Quels sont les hobbies de Jane aujourd'hui?
Elle aime lire
What it the English for "RèGLE"?
Réécris la phrase suivante à la forme interrogative:
"I didn't do my homework..."
Did you do your homework?
Quels océans bordent l'Australie?
L'océan Indien et l'océan Pacifique
Combien de bandes y a-t-il sur le drapeau américain?
Jane is a twenty-three-year-old teacher. She lives in Manchester but she was born in Canada. When she was young she used to play the violin and draw. Now she is single and spend her evening reading at home.
Quelle est la situation familiale de Jane?
Elle est célibataire
What is the English for " A demain!"
See you tomorrow
Quelle est la phrase correcte:
A. He has having his breakfast
B. They are have their breakfast
C. My mother is having her breakfast
Dans quelle ville se situe Tower Bridge?