What can you do if you have a question?
Raise your hand
What should we be standing on in the hallway to keep a distance between each other?
Yellow line
True or False. Do we need to wear our masks in the bathroom?
True. Our masks should stay on the entire time.
True or False. I can get up and walk around the cafeteria during lunch time.
False. We should remain in our seats unless we have permission to get up.
True or False. We can take our masks off at recess?
False. Our masks should stay on the entire recess.
True or False. We can walk around the classroom during the day.
False. We must stay in our desk area to stay distanced.
True or False. We can run down the hallway.
False. We use our WALKING feet.
How do we let Miss Maloney know I need to use the bathroom?
Raise our hands!
What do we need with us if we are buying lunch?
True or False. We can touch our friends at recess?
False. We still should not be touching each other during recess. There are many games we can play without touching each other.
Where do we unpack our backpack in the morning?
At our seat.
How do our voices sound in the hallway?
Voices Off
Bubble in our mouth
True. Hand sanitizer BEFORE and wash AFTER
What do we need to do BEFORE leaving for lunch?
Wash our hands with soap.
Name 1 Call & Response that Miss Maloney can use to get our attention?
Bring it back
Macaroni & Cheese
Flat Tire
Zip it, lock it
123 eyes on me
Give me 5
Ready to Rock, Ready to Roll
Where should we be facing in the hallway?
If I'm not sure if someone is in the bathroom or not, what should I do?
Knock first.
True or False. We can yell as loud as we want during lunch time?
False. We should keep using our inside voices.
How should we be treating each other on the recess yard and playground?
We should be treating each other with respect and kindness as always.
How do we treat others in Room 104?
We show kindness.
If someone is coming down the hallway towards us, what side of the hallway should we move to?
True or False. If someone is in the bathroom, I should stand right outside the door to wait.
False. We will stay in our seats until the person is out of the bathroom.
When can we take our masks off?
When we are sitting in our seats and eating our lunch.
True or False. We should get hand sanitizer or wash our hands after recess and before special?