How many children does Mrs robillard have?
What side of the paper do we put our name on?
The right side
How many fingers do we use when we want to get a drink?
What time does school get out?
What are the names of the other fourth grade teachers?
Meyers and janert
What is Mrs robillard's favorite football team?
What is the noise level when we are working?
We are to work quietly, no talking
Where do we put our water bottles when we enter the classroom?
In the front of the classroom
What day do we have Library?
Who is our pe teacher?
Mrs Levy
Which state did Mrs robillard attend fourth grade?
What do we write under our name on an assignment?
The date
If we need something from our backpack and leave the classroom, what is the first thing we do?
Prop the door open
What time is recess?
Who is our librarian?
Mrs Pierce
Name one book that Mrs robillard has written?
Ruby's red shoes or Troy's boots
What is the side space before the red line on line paper called. It is the same as the top space online paper.
What is one thing we need to keep in mind when using the sinks the hallway?
Stay quiet, wipe up our mess
What time does school get out on modified Wednesdays?
Who is our assistant principal?
Mrs bowran
What is Mrs robillard's dog's name?
Holly Berry
If we don't finish our class work, what do we do?
Complete it for homework
Where do we line up during a fire drill?
On the field even with our door
What was the date we started school?
August 14th
Who do we do buddies with?
Mrs bantle