School Info
Rules, Consequences, and Rewards
School Routines
Class Routines
Class Procedures

What time does school start every day?

835 AM


What are Ms. Jones's 4 rules?

1. Listen and follow directions the first time they are given.

2. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.

3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

4. Respect your classmates and teachers.


What are the expectations for lunchroom behavior?

Students must remain in their seats at all times. Students are responsible for maintaining a tidy area while they eat. The first 10 minutes of lunch is “eating time”, where students are expected to remain silent while they eat. Then, they may speak using a coffee shop volume for the remainder of the lunch period. At the end of lunch, students will dispose of their trash and line up at our designated exit spot.


What do you do when when you enter Ms. Jones's class at the beginning of each day?

Homeroom - Place backpack/lunchbox in the locker, hang tote bag on your desk chair, and place home folder on the back counter. Silently complete the daily morning work, then work on catch-up assignments until class begins.

Math Block #1 - Hang your tote bag on your desk chair. Silently complete the daily morning work, then work on catch-up assignments until class begins.


What are the expectations for carpet behavior? What do each of the hand signals mean in Ms. Jones's class?

Sit on one’s assigned spot with one’s bottom on the carpet and hands/feet to oneself. Students can pick 1 of 3 sitting positions: mermaid (both legs to one side), mountain (both feet on the ground with knees pointed to the ceiling), or pretzel (criss-crossed legs). Remain silent until it is one’s turn to speak. Raise one’s hand for permission to speak.

To request a bathroom break, cross one’s first 2 fingers. To request a pencil, make a peace sign. To request a drink of water, hold up 3 fingers. To request a tissue, hold up 4 fingers. To ask a question or request to speak, hold up 5 fingers. To notify the teacher that you are hurt or in need of immediate help, hold up a fist.


What are the names of our principal and vice principals?

Ms. Farrell, Mrs. Drexel  and Mr. Ciampo


What are the 3 steps of Ms. Jones's logical consequence system?

1. Verbal Warning 

2. Logical Consequence 

3. Parent Contact 


What are the expectations for playground behavior?

Students are able to play as they please, but they are expected to play in a safe manner. Students must remain in the playground area at all times. When recess is over, the teacher will raise her hand over her head to signal that it is time to line up. Students will silently line up where the teacher is standing.


What do you bring to school/take back home in your backpack every day? What do you leave behind at school every day?

You bring your home folder to school and take it back home every day.

You leave your tote bag, math journal, and laptop at school every day.


What are you supposed to do when Ms. Jones rings the bell? What are you supposed to do when Ms. Jones says the movement word of the day?

All the students are expected to pause, close their mouths, and look at the teacher.

Students are expected to remain silent while they stand up, gather their materials, and transition to the next activity.


What is the name the guidance counselor for your grade?






How many leaderbucks are you automatically given each day, unless Ms. Jones or Mrs. Quick have to take them away?



What are the expectations for hallway behavior?

Students will walk in a silent, single file line whenever they walk through the hallway. They must keep their hands and feet to themselves at all times, and they must walk on the blue line that borders the hallway.


Which items belong in your tote bag?

Catch-up folder and pencil pouch, which contains three pencils and your laptop login card inside of it.


How are you supposed to organize your desk? What do you do when you obtain your laptop from the cart and put it back again?

The inside of students’ desks should only contain their catch-up folders and pencil pouches, which enclose their 3 pencils and login card. Students will place their chromebook on the top of their desk and will hang their tote bag on their chair.

Students will line up by the technology cart. One at a time, students will gently unplug their device and remove it from the cart with both hands. Students will calmly carry their device with both hands as they walk back to their desk. When students return their device to the cart, they will line up, gently place the device in their assigned slot, and insert the charger. Students will return to their seats immediately after.


What is the name of our librarian?

Mrs. Rooney


What are some ways that you can earn additional leaderbucks?

Exhibiting outstanding behavior, maintaining 3 pencils throughout the week, maintaining a neat desk, keeping an up-to-date math journal, and serving as a stellar teaching assistant.


What do you do when you are granted an individual bathroom break in Ms. Jones's class?

Students who request and are granted a bathroom break will silently walk to the whiteboard and sign their name with a dry erase marker on the whiteboard under the appropriate section. When the student returns from the bathroom, they will erase their name. Students will only be granted an individual bathroom break in case of emergency, as a whole-class bathroom break will be granted right before math stat/recess and individual breaks will be granted during morning meeting and snack.


What do you do when you line up to leave Ms. Jones's class every day?

The teacher will call 1 group of students to line up at a time. If students are being dismissed from their desks, they will lay their heads down. When their name is called, they will silently stand up, push in their chair, gather any materials they need, and walk to the classroom door to form a single file line. If students are being dismissed from the magic carpet, they will silently stand up, gather any materials they need, and walk to the classroom door to form a single file line.


How are you supposed to keep up with your pencils in Ms. Jones's class?

At the beginning of the year, students will be issued 3 pencils each. All 3 of their pencils will be labeled with the student’s assigned number. Pencils will be stored in the students’ pencil pouch. Each week, the goal is for students to keep up with/sustain the usability of their whole pencil collection. If students present all 3 of their original pencils on Friday, then they will earn a leaderbuck. If 1 of the student’s pencils breaks or is lost, they are expected to use their other 2 pencils from their pencil box. However, if a student has to request a pencil from the teacher at any point throughout the week, then they will not receive the leaderbucks for the week. On Fridays, when pencils have been presented and leaderbucks have been issued, the teaching assistant will sharpen the pencils and return them to the students in order to restart the competition for the next week.


What hallway is the nurses office located?

In the 6th grade hallway


When do you get to spend your leaderbucks on rewards?

Once a week; if you are in Ms. Jones's homeroom, you will spend your leaderbucks during Fun Friday at The Leaderbuck Bakery.


What do you do when you are granted an individual visit to the school library in Ms. Jones's class?

Students who request and are granted an opportunity to go to the library or other hallway amenity will silently walk to the whiteboard and sign their name under the appropriate section. When the student returns, they will erase their name. Students will only be granted access to the library or other hallway amenity during snack and early finisher time. Students can only go to the library when Ms. Witte is available.


What are the responsibilities of serving as Ms. Jones's teaching assistant?

Distributing and collecting materials to the class, sharpening pencils at the end of the week, running errands for the teacher, distributing hand sanitizer before snack, carrying the trash can during snack, assisting with read-alouds or other presentations, placing returned books to their place in the classroom library, checking that technology has been returned to their correct slots in the cart at the end of each day, and occasionally leading brain breaks.


What do you do when you finish work early in Ms. Jones's class?

Students will first check their catch-up folder to see if they have any unfinished assignments to complete. When students complete a catch-up assignment, they will turn it in along with the original assignment that they completed. Then, students will choose one of three activities to occupy their time: work on iReady Math myPath, complete an early finisher page attached to the whiteboard, or create a 10-minute math lesson to teach to classmates. Students will sign up for a teaching time during the show-and-tell block. The sign-up sheet will also be attached to the whiteboard.
