What do you do when you need to use the bathroom?
Put the pass on your desk.
How many books should be in your tote?
What should you bring into the classroom with you each day?
Binder, snack, water bottle.
What is included in the winter 5?
Jacket, snowpants, boots, mittens/gloves, hat/hood
What is one Above the Line behaviors?
Following directions, safe body, giving best effort, voice level, personal space
Why can't you leave the room without telling me?
What should you do with an dull pencil?
Put it in the "needs to be sharpen" space and take a new one.
Calm and quiet. No extra talking or visiting with friends. No extended water breaks.
What do you do when you hear the whistle?
Get to the door as quickly as possible.
Line up in line order.
Why is "too silly" a Below the Line behavior?
Because it takes too much time away from learning, is too loud, sometimes out of control and disruptive.
How should you greet a friend from another class when walking through the halls?
Wave or smile.
Where are the new gluesticks?
Over by Number Corner
What do you do when I say "Show 5"?
Put your hand up, stop talking, stop moving, look at Ms. Brind
If someone says they want to be included, what do you do?
Find a way to include them.
What is even better than saying "I'm sorry" when you've done something wrong?
Fixing it or saying "I won't do that again" (and then don't!)
Where should you put your shoes during recess?
The best place is in your locker.
You can put them way under your locker but they get lost more easily there.
What should you do if you see something on the floor that doesn't belong to you?
Pick it up and put it where it belongs? If you don't know where it belongs, ask.
I talk about "we" not "me". What does that mean?
It means that you should think about how your behavior and actions affect the whole group. Put others' needs ahead of your own.
If there's a conflict on the playground that you can't solve yourself, who should you talk to?
The recess teachers: Ms. Krull, Ms. Fazedin, Ms. Shuster
When does a Below the Line behavior become a Bottom Line behavior?
When it's done repeatedly?
What is it called when you do what's expected even when no one is watching.
(200 points for Bobcat Pride)
What are some of our whiteboard expectations?
Write only what's needed.
Erase with the eraser.
Keep materials still.
Only write on the front.
What words would best describe my expectations for how we treat each other?
Compassion, kindness, patience, honesty, helpful...
Need at least 5 words for all 500 points.
What should you say if you hear someone teasing or excluding someone?
"That's not nice. Please stop"
Threatening someone is a Bottom Line behavior. What is threatening behavior?
Threatening behavior is telling someone that you will do something hurtful to them.