This is where you should put your backpack as soon as you enter the classroom.
Your cubby!
You catch Willamette pushing a friend on the playground so you tell the teacher. Is this tattling or being helpful?
Big Problem!
What does a good listener look like?
- Good Listener Poster
This is the number of DreamBox games you should have completed at the end of the week.
Madison is at the carpet using her level 2 when Miss Hall is talking. What level voice should she actually be using?
Where do you put the books you don't want when book shopping?
In the gray bin.
When we are walking to the gym, Chasen notices that the cafe has smoke coming out the door.
Big Problem!
When is it okay to interrupt the teacher?
When there is an emergency.
This is the signal used to get my attention without shouting or leaving your seat.
Raising your hand!
This is the level voice everybody uses in the restroom and when washing their hands.
How do you know recess is over?
"Miss Hall's Class!"
Zeke got glue on his hands while playing with a glue stick.
Small problem.
Do my best to talk to my neighbor, and let Miss Hall know how I feel.
What to do if you are not finished with an activity or assignment when time is up?
Put it in your blue folder.
The teacher said "Class, class, class." What do I do?
Say "Yes, yes, yes.", go to a zero, and eyes are on teacher.
I need to go to the restroom what do I do?
Show the finger signal
A friend has a toy you want during indoor recess, you asked if you could have it and they said no.
Small Problem
The procedure for lining up at the door before leaving the classroom.
Waiting for the teacher to call on you, then lining up with a level 0.
What is the calm down corner used for?
* Zones
It helps us be respectful to our friends and teachers.
What should you do if you don't understand something?
Gabrielle and Ben kept talking during read to self time.
Small Problem!
This is the first thing you should do when you hear the fire alarm.
Look for the teacher and follow the directions.
I'm at the green carpet, and it's not snack time. I want a drink of water what do I do?
Wait until a transition time to ask.