What kind of voice do you use in the classroom during work time? A) scream B) normal talking voice C) quiet voice
WHAT IS: a quiet voice.
Where do you sit in the lunchroom? A) in ABC order B) in any place I want
WHAT IS: Any place I want.
TRUE or FALSE You should run to the line so you can get there quickly.
WHAT IS: False
If there are orders to play only on the blacktop, where can you go?
Only on the blacktop. Out of puddles.
How do you answer the teacher's question?
WHAT IS: raise my hand and wait to be called on.
What does it mean when you get in trouble at lunch?
It means you have a consequence for a bad choice you made. (E.g. throwing food, talking to loud, not done with classwork, etc.)
Why would you want to line up quietly?
WHAT IS: the teacher might have last minute instructions like pop quiz tomorrow or no homework tonight...
What is wrong with this clip if you did this at school?
WHAT IS: The guy is jumping out of the swing which is unsafe?
What is the BEST way to get the teacher's attention? A) poke her in the arm B) raise your hand and wait patiently C) follow her around the room like a puppy D) yell across the room
WHAT IS: raise your hand and wait patiently
Name 2 things you need to do before going outside for lunch recess.
WHAT IS: eat my food, clean up my area, dump my tray carefully.
Name three places you will go in the school that you will need to line up for.
WHAT IS: 1) Music 2) PE 3) Art 4) Lunch 5) Recess 6) Going Home 7) Library 8) Specials Classes
Who can play in the snow and fields in the winter?
People who wear boots and snow pants.
What 2 things will happen if you don't do your homework?
WHAT IS: Your teacher will nag you until it is done, you may have to miss band or choir to do your homework, your parents could be called?
Name two things that could happen if you turn around in line while you are walking down the hall. BONUS: TRUE or FALSE This is a good choice to make.
WHAT IS: 1) get in trouble by the teacher 2) run into the back of the person in front of you 3) step on the person's heel in front of you 4) talk to the person behind you BONUS: False
Name two things that could happen if we don't line up quietly.
WHAT IS: 1) get late to where we need to go. 2) get in trouble with the teacher. 3) have to try it again right away. 4) have to practice at recess.
You are playing four-square and there is someone who always cheats and they are doing it again. What can you do?
What is try to resolve the problem with the person, maybe get a referee who isn't playing, ask a teacher on duty to keep an eye on the game?
When should you sharpen your pencil?
WHAT IS: before class starts.
What are some correct locker procedures?
Not a place for a huddle or loudness.
What do I need to do before I get in line? A) Remember to not talk B) Push in my chair C) Face the front of the line D) Leave personal space E) All of the above
What is all of the above.
What should you do when recess is over?
What is:
make sure you have your lunchbox
look for jackets, etc.
line up quietly?