Lining Up
What kind of voice do you use in the classroom during work time? A) scream B) normal talking voice C) quiet voice
WHAT IS: a quiet voice.

Where do you sit in the lunchroom?

WHAT IS: we eat lunch in our classroom

Which direction should you face when you go down the hallway?
WHAT IS: the front.
TRUE or FALSE You should run to line so you can get there quickly.
WHAT IS: False

How to go to recess?

Out the backdoor, quietly behind eachother

How do you answer the teacher's question?
WHAT IS: raise my hand and wait to be called on.

What is silent lunch?

It means you have a consequence for a bad choice you made. (E.g. throwing food, talking to loud, not done with classwork, etc.)

What square should you be walking on when you walk down the hall?
WHAT IS: the 2nd full square.
What can you do to remind you to line up quietly?
WHAT IS: put my finger to my lips and give the SH sign.

What happens if you push or play rough on the playground?

WHAT IS:Lose recess privilege, call home

What is the BEST way to get the teacher's attention? A) poke her in the arm B) raise your hand and wait patiently C) follow her around the room like a puppy D) yell across the room
WHAT IS: raise your hand and wait patiently

Name 2 things you need to do before talking at lunch.

WHAT IS: 1) eat your food. 2) clean up my area. 3) put my mask on

Describe what PERSONAL SPACE means.
WHAT IS: space that you give the person in front and back of you so you don't touch them. Sometimes you might hear someone call it "their bubble."

Name three places you will go in the school that you will need to line up for.

WHAT IS: 1) Music 2) PE 3) Art 4) Lunch 5) Recess 6) Going Home 7) Library 8) Bathroom


When should you wear a mask outside?

If you are close to friends, if you are NOT running or playing


What 2 things will happen if you don't follow directions.

WHAT IS: I will lose a dojo point, I will make my teacher sad.


Who are the main people who might help you open ketchup packets, milk, or help in any other way?

WHO IS: Mrs. Avolis or Ms. Brinkley

Name two things that could happen if you turn around in line while you are walking down the hall. BONUS: TRUE or FALSE This is a good choice to make.
WHAT IS: 1) get in trouble by the teacher 2) run into the back of the person in front of you 3) step on the person's heel in front of you 4) talk to the person behind you BONUS: False
Name two things that could happen if we don't line up quietly.
WHAT IS: 1) get late to where we need to go. 2) get in trouble with the teacher. 3) have to try it again right away. 4) have to practice at recess.

How can you be safe on the playground?

One person at a time, watch where you are going

When should you sharpen your pencil?
WHAT IS: before class starts.

What do you need to know to get your lunch?

WHAT IS: Your lunch pin number, on your white card


What sounds should we hear in the hallway?

quiet feet, mouth silent, other classes learning

What do I need to do before I get in line? A) Zip my lips B) Push in my chair C) Face the front of the line D) Leave personal space E) All of the above
What is all of the above.

When is recess over?

The second you hear the teacher or the whistle you line up