This is what you do when you do not understand what your teacher or another adult asks you to do.
What is ask a question?
This is the adult word for keeping a secret.
What is private or confidential?
This is my name.
Mrs. Granger
This is the Nicolet Way word for being kind to everyone at school.
What is respectful?
This is the most important part of my job as a school counselor.
What is listening and helping students?
This is what kids do who want to learn as much as they possibly can.
Daily Double:
Give an example of this in the classroom.
What is have a positive Mindset?
Examples of positive mindset: Keep trying when something is hard. Saying, "I will try." The power of Yet.
This is how you decide if a problem is "big" and requires adult help.
What is a problem that is dangerous, scary or could cause significant damage?
This is the number of children Mrs. Granger has of her own.
What is 3?
This is the Nicolet Way word for trying very hard all day, completing your homework and being proud of the things you learn.
What is Grrreat Learner? What is a positive Mindset?
These are the adults I work with that may help students with their problems.
(List up to 5 for more points.)
Who are teachers, parents, principal, Dean of Students, police, community workers?
This helps to to stay calm even when things are challenging. We practiced it quite a bit last year.
Hint: We learned this when we learned about the parts of your brain.
What is Mindfulness?
These are the trusted adults you or I may go to for big problems.
(List up to 5 for more points.)
What are parents, teachers, principal, associate principal, police, other community workers?
Room 106A in the Library
Where is my office?
This is the Nicolet Way word for using your hands only for helping.
What is safe?
These are the types of problems that a school counselor may help a student to solve.
(List up to 6 for more points.)
What are bullying, friendship, family, learning, sadness, anger?
These strategies help you to learn.
(List 2 for more points)
What are taking notes, paying attention, thinking about what the teacher is saying, positive mindset?
Feelings, frustrations, worries, wishes
What are things you can talk to your counselor about that will be kept private or confidential?
This is my favorite thing about being a school counselor.
What is working with students? :-)
This is the Nicolet Way word for doing all the work your teacher asks you to do.
What is Responsible?
This is my ultimate goal as a school counselor.
What is helping every student to feel safe and be the best learner they can possibly be?
This is what it is called when you decide on something specific you want to learn or achieve in a school year.
What is a goal?
Your school counselor will need to share these types of problems with other helping adults to keep you safe.
What are "Big Problems" such as wanting to hurt someone else or your self, or someone is threatening or actually hurting you?
This is how you can request to have lunch or speak to Mrs. Granger.
Bonus: The mailbox is located in this room.
What is write a note?
What is the office?
This is the word for growing your brain,for trying things even when they are hard, and remembering that you can't do it yet.