Not here, but over _______! ...a) they’re ...b) there ...c) their
What is "b", t-h-e-r-e?
Complete this sequence: 42 – 45 – 48 - ______ ...a) 50 ...b) 51 ...c) 52 ...d) 53
What is “b” 51?
The 3 parts of the national government of the US ...a) Local, State & Federal ...b) Presidential, Congressional & Senate ...c) Legislative, Executive & Judicial
What is “c” Legislative, Executive & Judicial?
The Charles Dickens’ story with the characters Tiny Tim and Ebenezer Scrooge. ...a) A Tale of Two Cities ...b) Oliver Twist ...c) A Christmas Carol
What is “c” A Christmas Carol?
Trees are vital for which purpose? ...a) reduce soil erosion ...b) change carbon dioxide to oxygen ...c) provide shelter for wildlife ...d) all of the above
What is “d” all of the above?
“I” before “E” except after “C” isn’t always a helpful rule. Which word is spelled correctly? ...a) r-e-c-i-e-p-t ...b) r-e-c-e-e-p-t ...c) r-e-c-e-i-p-t
What is “c”, r-e-c-e-i-p-t?
A prime number ...a) 91 ...b) 59 ...c) 27 ...d) 39
What is “b” 59?
A right or freedom from the First Amendment. ...a) Right to bear arms ...b) Right to free exercise of religion ...c) Right to vote
What is “b” Right to free exercise of religion?
The Mark Twain book in which a boy runs away from his legal guardian, only to be traveling down the Mississippi with an escaped slave named Jim and two guys posing as a king and a duke. ...a) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ...b) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ...c) The Prince and the Pauper
What is “b” The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?
Name a product that does NOT come from a tree ...a) latex rubber gloves ...b) sponges ...c) hair dye ...d) wool fabric
What is “d” wool fabric?
The plural of “moose” ...a) moose ...b) mooses ...c) meese
What are “a”, moose?
How much you have left if you had $2.25 in your pocket and then spent 75 cents at the candy store ...a) $2.00 ...b) $1.75 ...c) $1.50 ...d) $1.25
What is “c” $1.50?
What we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution ...a) The Bill of Lading ...b) The Bill of Rights ...c) The List of Ten
What is “b”, the Bill of Rights?
The hero of “The Iliad” ...a) Ajax ...b) Priam ...c) Achilles
Who is “c” Achilles?
The process by which trees turn sunlight, CO2 & water into glucose & oxygen ...a) mitosis ...b) germination ...c) photosynthesis
What is “c” photosynthesis?
Phrases abbreviated by using letters from each word, such as NASA for the National Atmospheric and Space Agency ...a) contractions ...b) acronyms ...c) mnemonics
What are “b”, acronyms?
The total number of students in Sarah’s class if there are twice as many girls as boys and there are 8 boys in the class. ...a) 16 ...b) 20 ...c) 24 ...d) 26
What is “c” 24?
The “supreme law of the land” ...a) The U.S. Constitution ...b) The Supreme Court ...c) The President of the United States
What is “a” the U.S. Constitution?
The term for the following literary style: “The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew. The furrow followed free.” ...a) alliteration ...b) metaphor ...c) cadence
What is “a” alliteration?
The conditions which lead to the most impressive displays of color in autumn. ...a) Cool cloudy days with frosty nights ...b) Warm cloudy days with humid nights ...c) Warm sunny days with cool, frost-free nights
What are “c”, warm sunny days with cool, frost-free nights?
Words that sound alike but have different meanings, such as “bow,” the front of a boat and “bough,” the limb of a tree. ...a) similes ...b) antonyms ...c) homonyms
What are “c” homonyms? A journalist was once told, “A ‘b-u-r-r-o’ is an ass. A ‘b-u-r-r-o-w’ is a hole in the ground. As a journalist you are expected to know the difference.”
The measurement of a 9 feet by 4 feet rectangle, which gives you 36 feet? ...a) length ...b) perimeter ...c) average ...d) area
What is “d” area?
What we show loyalty to, when we say the Pledge of Allegiance ...a) The President of the United States ...b) The Constitution ...c) The flag of the United States
What is “c” The flag of the United States?
The origin of “Double, double, toil and trouble” ...a) Twelfth Night ...b) The Tempest ...c) Macbeth
What is “c” Macbeth? "Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble." These lines are spoken in unison by three witches who predict Macbeth's future in this Shakespearean play.
The chemicals in deciduous trees which, when reduced, allow the leaves to change color from green to yellows and reds. ...a) Chlorophylls ...b) Nitrates ...c) Carotenoids
What is “a” Chlorophylls?