Whatchu Talkin’ ‘Bout, Willis
Think Outside the Toy Box
Grab Your Walkman
Blockbuster Rentals
Totally Tubular Trivia

ALF is an acronym that means this.

What is “Alien Life Form”?


These animals just can’t be satiated! In this game, four players press down on mechanical animals to see who can gobble up the most white marbles.

What is Hungry Hungry Hippos?


This “King of Pop” released hits such as “Billie Jean”, “Man in the Mirror”, and “Bad” throughout the eighties.

Who is Michael Jackson?


After complaints about violence in “PG” movies like Gremlins and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, this intermediate rating between PG and R was introduced in 1984.

What is PG-13?


This channel launched in 1981 and originally aired music videos and related programming.

What is MTV?


In this game show, contestants tried to avoid The Whammy.

What is Press Your Luck?


After their release in 1983, high demand for these dolls caused riots to break out at multiple stores over the holiday season.

What are Cabbage Patch Kids?


In this 1980s hit, Dolly Parton uses the sound of her long acrylic fingernails to mimic the sound of a typewriter.

What is “9 to 5”?


This film, the middle of the original trilogy, was the highest-grossing film of the year it released, 1980.

What is The Empire Strikes Back?


This popular fitness fad of the eighties is a portmanteau of two words.

What is Jazzercise?


While her actual name is Penelope, this character is better known by her nickname, which is also the title of this 1980s sitcom.

Who is Punky Brewster?


This toy line originally launched in 1982 but is known more modernly for its unintended adult audience. Features of this toy include colorful bodies and a unique symbol on one or both flanks of the figure known as a “cutie mark”.

What is My Little Pony?


This song, which topped the charts for 9 weeks in 1981, is a reference to an American actress known for playing unsympathetic, sardonic characters in film, television, and theater.

What is “Bette Davis Eyes”?


This movie was John Hughes’ directorial debut.

What is Sixteen Candles?


This shoe, created under the Converse brand, made a comeback in the eighties as retro-style casual footwear. (4 words)

What are Chuck Taylor All Stars?


This vegetable is at the center of the Fraggle Rock ecosystem.

What are radishes?


Depeche Mode’s debut album was named after this electronic handheld toy. 

What is Speak & Spell?


This English pop duo split up in 1986. One half went on to produce 5 solo Billboard Top 100 hits during the late eighties.

What is Wham!?


Mogwai, the creatures in the Gremlins movie, translates to “devil” in this language.

What is Cantonese?


These are the names of the four ghosts in Pac-Man.

Who are Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde?


This is the name of the rival bar in the sitcom Cheers.

What is Gary's Olde Towne Tavern?


These cards have a controversial past, including bans in school, trademark infringement, and export ban to Mexico due to the depictions on the cards.

What are Garbage Pail Kids?


With their release of Kissing to Be Clever, this was the first band since The Beatles to have three top 10 hits from a debut album in the US.

Who is Culture Club?


This family film won four Academy Awards in 1983 – Best Original Score, Best Sound Effects Editing, Best Sound, and Best Visual Effects.

What is E.T. the Extra Terrestrial?


This is the sequence of buttons you press in order to execute the Konami Code.

What is up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A?
