How frequently do we update Bitewings? What about CF/PANO?
Bitewings: Every year.
CF/PANO: 3-5 years.
Can vary based on insurance.
What do we call the bleach/water mixture (just bleach for SMK) for an endo procedure?
What are the three different types of exams and their abbreviations?
Complete (CE), Limited (LE) and Periodic/Hygiene Check (PE)
Where is the limelight stored?
Endo cart (top drawer)
Opening Duties: Name FOUR out of the five things that needs to be turned on in every operatory room?
Light, X-ray machine, TV, both monitors, cavitron.
What does the '2' mean next to PANO/CE/LE/CF/PA?
No cost/free (using New Patient Special)
Communicator etiquette: Walking up patient, what do you need to make sure you do/say?
Politely ask, get fronts attention, state the patients name and/or your name.
Sidenote: Say it slowly and clearly!
What is the difference between LE and CE?
LE: limited, focus on one area.
CE: complete, treatment plan for entire mouth.
Where is the Order Dental Supplies List to fill out when running low on supplies?
Consult room (on top of printer)
What two things need to be done before you leave for the day?
Hint: its not notes - DOUBLE OR NOTHING - When should your notes be done?
Post-Op Calls and Care Cards
BONUS: Before walking your patient up.
What X-ray(s) do we need for a Bridge estimate?
FMX and Pano
What do we say to the patient instead of "I'm going to pack a cord around your tooth."?
"I'm going to PLACE A STRING around your tooth."
What is the flow of introduction when Dr enters room?
Introductions, important patient history, patient concerns, go around with IO camera.
Where is extra viscostat stored?
Sterile (Right on the fridge)
Which Doctors do ortho?
What needs to be showing in the PA when prepping for a crown?
The PA needs to be within the past ____ months.
The whole tooth (apex to crown/cusp of tooth)
BONUS: 6 months.
What do you say instead of "I'm using this viscostat because your gums are bleeding."?
"I'm going to place some MEDICINE around the gums to help with the INFLAMMATION"
CE/CF/PANO: What do we need done/completed before Dr comes in for exam?
Name at least FOUR.
Pre-charting (Updated) X-rays and IO's, Perio measurements, Exam sheet filled out, Providers changes where needed.
If something is missing/running low in the OP ROOM, where do you go to re-stock?
If its running low/missing there, where do you check next?
Overflow closet - If its running low/missing there PUT IT ON THE LIST!
What is needed after placing an implant?
PA of implant placement.
What x-ray(s) are needed when delivering crown/bridge? Explain why.
Bitewing before cemented (make sure its seated properly and has contacts) and after cemented (still seated properly and all cement is cleaned up).
Scenario: Dr asks for something but we ran out, what do you do? what do you not do?
Do's: Get next best thing, non-verbal cue that we don't have it (head shake, point at what we can use)
Dont's: verbalize in front of the patient we don't have it
Complete Exam with NP: What needs to be done/completed in order to walk up the patient? Name at least FIVE.
Route slip filled out by Dr, Treatment charted, Treatment prioritized, Route slip and appointment matches, Appointment set complete, Notes are completed.
Where is extra prime/bond?
What 4 other things are stored here?
Fridge in sterile
BONUS: Etch, sealant material, batteries, and build it
Scenario: Patient comes in for postop/exam due to white filling coming out that was done here 5 months ago. What process should you follow?
Follow exam process: treatment plan, get estimate (re-do at NC per Dr.), ask if we can do same day, pt sign estimate, set up for procedure.