Advance directives
What is a legal document that directs end-of-life issues?
Turn client's head to their side
When performing oral care for an unconscious client, what is the proper positioning of their head?
Sleep apnea
What is more than 5 breathing cessations lasting longer than 10 seconds per hour during sleep?
MOST basic of all nutrients
What is Water?
SCD & elastic stockings
What can be used to promote venous return on an immobile patient?
Necessary Loss
A loss related to a change that is apart of the life cycle and is anticipated but still can be intensely felt. This type of loss can be replaced by something better of different.
Face - cleanest area to dirtest/Head-to-Toe approach
Which area of the body should be washed first, during a bed bath?
Little sleep
What is inability to concentrate, poor judgment, moodiness, irritability, and increase risk for accident?
Factors affecting nutrition
What is Religion/Culture, finances, appetite, disease and illness, age, medications?
Every hour while awake
How often should ROM exercises be preformed?
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance
Kubler- Ross Model stages of grief?
False - electric razors are safe to use
True or false: Clients who are on anticoagulants or have low platelet counts should not shave
Chronic sleep loss results in chronic illnesses
What is obesity, depression, hypertension, diabetes, heart attack, stroke?
What is Weigh in Kg / height in meters^2
Increased blood flow, increased tissue metabolism, relaxes muscles, eases joint stiffness and pain
Heat therapuetic effects?
Disenfranchised grief
Grief that entails an experienced loss that cannot be publicly shared or is not socially acceptable (suicide and abortion)
Retract the foreskin, clean from the meatus outward, then replace the foreskin
Perineal care for males
Sleep assessment
What is type of problem, manifestations, timing, seriousness, related factors, aftereffect?
physical Indications of poor nutrition
What is Nausea/Vomiting, dry scaly skin, dry dull eyes, poor posture, prominent bony areas?
Pain, edema, warmth, erythema at site are manifestation of what?
Apply identification tags according to policy
Complete documentatiton
Remain aware of visitor and staff sensibilities during transport
Post-viewing nursing interventions
Avoid OTC products containing alcohol, Avoid self-treating corns or calluses, Avoid direct heat, Avoid applying lotion between the toes
Nutrition for narcolepsy
What is energy for cellular metabolism, tissue maintenance and repair, organ function?