These shoes offer ankle support and must be broken in.
What are hiking boots?
This is how often your Time Keeper should call a water break.
What is every fifteen minutes?
It's the minimum amount of water you should bring.
What is two liters?
Not only is it important not to overpack because you don't want your bag to be too heavy, but you'll also need to save room for this, which you won't put in your bag until the trailhead or parking lot.
What is patrol gear and food?
This is the number of millimeters Mt. Diablo grows each year.
What is three to five? (Any answers between three and five will be counted.
This is a part of the "Holy Trinity" and keeps the sun off your face.
What is a hat?
It's the person with the job you should give the fastest person in your group.
Who is the sweep?
This is where your heavy gear should go in your backpack.
The middle, near your back.
It's a factor that you should think about when planning your meals for a backpacking outing that won't apply to car camping.
What is weight/how heavy the food is?
It's the elevation of Mt. Diablo's summit.
What is 3849ft? (We'll accept anything between 3 and 4 thousand).
It's arguably the worst thing you could bring, "is rotten" and "kills."
What is cotton?
This person has the map.
Who is a naviguesser?
Essential to cooking, this should be kept on the outside of your backpack in case of a leak.
What is fuel/gas?
This is who you should talk to if you are dehydrated or don't feel well or notice someone else is.
Who is an older scout or your patrol leader.
It's the county that Mt. Diablo is a part of.
What is Contra Costa County?
This is phrase that tells you how warm you should be at the beginning of a hike.
What is "Be bold, start cold?"
This person sets the pace.
Who is a point?
What is the top/an easily accessible outside pocket?
This is who should carry the patrol gear.
Who are everyone, although some scouts (particularly older scouts) will carry more gear than others?
It's the kind of park that Mt. Diablo is, and also the kind of park Calaveras Big Trees is.
What is a state park?
It's a layer that you might not need, but you always need to bring, it will keep you dry.
What is a raincoat?
This is how long a water break should take.
What is five minutes?
It's something you should pack your clothes and sleeping bag in.
What is a dry bag or a plastic bag?
It's the part of your backpack that your stove should be.
What is the top, where it won't get crushed?
This is the name of an organization that, since 1971, has worked to preserve Mt. Diablo and the surrounding parks.
What is "Save Mount Diablo?"