Waste Handling
Water Treatment
Waterborne Illness
Cans; food wrappers; plastic; drink containers; excess food; and (if locally required or to maximize the minimization of impact) toilet paper.
What are examples of items that you should pack back out when backpacking? Remember: "Take only photos; leave only footprints."
Actions taken to prevent or reduce intestinal illness.
What is hygiene?
Boiling; filtering; ultraviolet (UV); iodine tablets
What are ways to make water safe to drink?
The most common illness from untreated water.
What is diarrhea?
~60% Water
What is the amount of water in the human body?
At least 200 Feet on soil or lichen-free rocks only.
What is the minimum distance from a waterbody and camp that you should wash your body or dishes with soap (even biodegradable)?
Causes more intestinal illness than does giardia or other waterborne illness.
What is fecal-oral transmission? (Therefore...wash your hands!!!)
The most effective way to treat water to make it safe to drink.
What is boiling (for at least 1 minute)?
RWI is the abbreviation for...
What is Recreational Water Illness?
Several of the benefits of staying well hydrated.
What is (several; examples include) having more energy; more power; more endurance; staying cooler and feeling better; having the ability to work harder and burn more calories; recovering quicker; helping ensure brain and joint health; helping with digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature? (Sources: REI and WebMD)
4-6 inches wide and 4-8 inches deep
What is the dimensions of the hole to dispose of human waste (that you should dig on organic soil (darker; where plants and trees flourish))?
Best choice for ensuring cleanliness of your hands and fingernails when backpacking.
What is soap and water? But remember...Never ever ever lather up and rinse off in a waterbody.
This water treatment method does not work with turbid (cloudy) water.
What is steri pen?
This illness-causing parasite can withstand chlorine.
What is Cryptosporidium?
Signs that tell me I'm dehydrated.
What is feeling thirsty (already dehydrated); dry mouth; low energy; then cramps; headaches; nausea?
The minimum number of feet away from a trail camp site and surface water that human waste should be placed.
What is 200 feet?
Something to do before swimming to protect water quality.
What is rinse off (at least 200 feet away from waterbody) to remove pollutants (such as sunscreen; mosquito repellant; any soap residue)?
Waterbodies (streams or lakes) at lower elevations near meadows or pastures where animals have grazed; areas with evidence of pack or other domesticated animal activity; areas with signs of sloppy or prolonged human behavior/activity; stagnant water.
What are water sources most likely to need treatment to prevent waterborne illness?
The number of cryptosporidium oocytes needed to cause illness in a human being.
What is the number 3?
Things I can do to not get dehydrated.
What is (lots of examples including...) drink early (~2 hrs before exercising); drink often (sip not gulp); drink sports or energy drinks; drink after exercise; following the "copious and clear" rule--drink enough so you have a lighter color and more volume of urine?
The steps to take upon depositing the human waste in the 4-8 inch deep hole at least 200 feet from the waterbody.
What is cover with dirt; refill the hole; make it look natural or place a rock on it?
At an established location at least 200 feet from the water source with the sleeping surface on inorganic soil (not a lot of plants).
What is the best location to set up a campsite?
Kills microorganisms (except clostridium difficle bacterium) but does not rinse them off.
What is a sanitizer or disinfectant gel or wipe?
Two common hosts for giardia.
Multiple answers possible including: What are humans; cats; dogs; birds; cattle; deer; beaver; sheep?
Keeping salt levels balanced with sports drinks or salty foods. Drinking while you are exercising. Making sure you weigh about the same before and after heavy exercise.
What are solutions to prevent over-hydration (aka hyonatremia)?