Francis Bacon is famous for the quote?
What is "knowledge is power"?
A kind of reasoning that was introduced by Bacon?
What is Inductive Reasoning?
The most common idols of the tribe are?
What type of power did Bacon discribe as "Vulgar, and "Degenerate"?
What is the desire to advance their own power and self interest?
Bacon is often refered to as the father of what type of science?
What is Empirical Science?
Bacon was one of the first people to realize that perception is what?
What is relative?
What are the four idols?
What did bacon refer to the 3 kinds of powers as?
Francis Bacon was highly influenced by?
What is Christianity?
The west is cosidered what?
what is a low context society?
The fallacy of the catch word or unexamined vocabulary
idols of the marketplace
What type of power did bacon did Bacon consider "Moral" and the "Highest Good"?
The power to better the human race
Bacon marked the shift between what time periods?
what is the medival to the renaissance/modern period?
Bacon strives for what types/concepts of science?
Objective Science and Scientific Realisim
The human tendancy to fall in love with dogma is discribed by Bacon as what?
What is Idols of the Tribe?
What are the 3 types of power?
The power of taking over a country, the power of bettering the human race,
What year was Bacon born?
Bacon called our impressions and errors of reasoning what?
What is Idols of the Mind?
The 4 Idols are what Bacon considered what?
Bacon rejected what type of theology?