Bacteria are found _____ even in the most extreme habitats.
Where is everywhere
How many shapes of bacteria are there?
What is 3
This part of a bacteria cell helps it move.
What is a flagellum
Bacteria can only be harmful
What is false. (They can be good as well)
**You may use your book** Name one bacteria that lives in your intestine from the book.
What is E. Coli, Fusobacterium, Klebsiella, or Lactobacillus
Scientists say there are _____ times more bacterial cells than human cells in your body.
What is 10
This bacteria is shaped like a rod. Choices: A. Bacilli, B. Cocci, C. Spirilla
What is A. Bacilli
Jelly-like substance in a bacteria cell.
What is cytoplasm
Bacteria only come in one shape
What is false. (They come in three)
**You may use your book** Name the two kingdoms of bacteria.
What are eubacteria and archaebacteria
Bacteria are tiny life forms that are made up only _____ cell.
What is 1
This bacteria is shaped like a spiral. Choices: A. Bacilli, B. Cocci, C. Spirilla
What is C. Spirilla
This is the outermost layer of a bacteria cell other than the capsule.
What is cell wall
A bacteria is considered prokaryotic.
What is true
**You may use your book** What is the definition of a prokaryotic cell?
What is a cell without any membrane-bound organelles
Some bacteria cause diseases like _____. (Name at least 1 from your notes)
What is strep throat, food poisoning, or pneumonia.
This bacteria is circular shaped. Choices: A. Bacilli, B. Cocci, C. Spirilla
What is B. Cocci
This regulates what enters and exits the cell.
What is the cell membrane
Most of the genetic material of a bacteria cell is contained in it's one chromosome.
What is true
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! **You may NOT use your book** What is any organism that causes disease?
What is a pathogen
Bacteria help break down food in our _____.
What is large intestine/gut
This bacteria has a flagellum.
What is spirilla
**You may use your book** This is the outermost layer of a bacteria cell. It helps protect the bacteria from cells that try to destroy it.
What is a capsule
Bacteria reproduce sexually by fission.
What is false. (They reproduce A-sexually by fission)
**You may use your book** What process lowers the amount of bacteria in foods?
What is pasteurization