What is the little girls Name
Who Dies
What is Omega's Space dog named
What is Order 66
To kill all the Jedi
What season did Crosshair remove his inhibitor chip
Season 1
Who turns bad
Who leaves the Bad Batch
Who tries to capture Omega
Dr. Hemlock
What is Omega
A Clone
What clone is regrated order 66
Commander Cody
Who is Alpha
Boba Fett
What Planet do they live on
What is the name of the Kaminoan that helped Omega escape
Nala Se
How many people are in the bad batch (In Total)
What does Crosshair do to get on the Empire's bad side
Shoots and Imperial Officer
Why did the Kaminoans want Omega
She was A pure clone of Jango Fett
What is the name of the kid who steals the Marauder
What is Omega's sister's name
Emerie Karr
What 2 bounty hunters went after Omega
Cad Bane/Fennec Shand
What was Crosshair's friend's name on "The Outpost"
How does season 1 end
Kamino is destroyed
What senator needed their help
Riyo Chuchi
Who kills Hemlock
Crosshair and Hunter (Omega stabs him)
What is their ships Name
What turned Crosshair good
The Empire betrayed him but Omegas stayed loyal