Who's Jessica Johns?
What is the genre of the book?
Who is the Main Protagonist Of the Story
What law enacted in 1876 controlled almost every aspect of Indigenous life in Canada?
What is the Indian Act?
Mental health is a promineny issue amongst these two groups.
What is Indigenous children and women?
Follows a Cree women experiencing weird scenarios where she brings items from dreams and her moving on from her dead sister.
What is the plot of Bad Cree?
Awards Jessica Johns won.
What is Journey Awards (2020)
Who is the Descesed sister in the Novel
What system forcibly removed Indigenous children to assimilate them into settler culture?
What are residential schools?
x% of Indigenous adults reported having a mental health diagnosis.
What is 45%?
Treaty 8, Alberta.
What treaty is Jessica John's land apart of? Where?
Gluttony, greed, and excess.
What does the Wendigo embody?
Who is Mackenzie's Grandmother
What policy in the 1960s removed Indigenous children from their families for adoption into non-Indigenous homes?
What is the Sixties Scoop?
x% Of deaths involving Indigenous Women are categorized as suspicious
What is 4%
Feeds off of Mackenzie's pain and grief.
What does the wendigo have to do with the central conflict of the story?
What are dreams?
Who is the protagonist's supportive friend?
What process displaced Indigenous peoples from their traditional lands for settler expansion?
What is land dispossession?
An issue Sabrina's death addresses
what is MMIW?
Room magazine.
What is the managing editor Jessica Johns is apart of?
Creepy and Tense.
What is the tone of the book?
What is the Traditional Plant that helps with healing fever and wounds
Yarrow (Wapanewask)
What was the primary goal of colonial policies targeting Indigenous languages and cultural practices?
What is assimilation?
what affected the protagonist's family in different ways
what is unresolved grief