I like Nail Biting
Your hands come in contact with many surfaces, people, and germs every day. Chewing your cuticles leaves you open to infection that can be costly.
I like Excessive Drinking
Excessive drinking can be expensive, both at the bar and at the doctor’s. Consider how much your drinking habit will cost you in terms of medical bills, insurance, and even DWI charges. Support MADD.
I like Worrying too much
That pressing issue keeping you up at night could prove to be costly. Untreated anxiety disorders cost the US economy about $42 million every year.
I like talking with mouth full
This can be done politely, if one is careful. Otherwise, it is a source of misunderstandings and chewed food projectiles -- again, gross.
I like Facebook
Over-sharing has become a way of life for most, and most people have little concern about how it might affect them later in life. Everything is searchable online these days. Want to post a status about how you were drunk and danced on a table at happy hour? Think about how it might affect a job search down the road.
I like Pulling my Hair
Pulling out your hair can lead to permanent hair loss. Treatments for this affliction range from $30 to hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
I like Excessive Smoking
From medical care to insurance, this perennial bad habit costs smokers and society about $41 per pack.
I like being Continuously Late
Constantly being late for work can cause you to lose wages or even be fired.
I like Speeding when driving
Fueleconomy.gov reports that "each 5 mph you drive over 60 mph is like paying an additional $0.20 per gallon for gas." (For Canada, that is roughly every 10 kmph we pay an additional 5 cents per litre) That’s not to mention the cost of a speeding ticket.
I like online shopping
Shopping online is convenient and fun, but it can lead to overspending. You may also spend more due to shipping and handling charges.
I like Lip chewing
Lip chewing can cause bleeding, more often dry lips, increase chance of cold sores, a malady that costs about $20 per tube to treat.
I like Soda/Pop
Your daily diet coke habit could be creating lots of dental and other costly health problems.
I like Gambling
Gambling may be a fun and entertaining way to make a quick buck, but it’s important to remember that the house always wins. For the average gambler in Nevada, the house wins to the tune of about $19,000.
I like Packing too many items on a trip
This can cause over luggage charges or even leaving items at the airport before leaving.
I like Sitting on the Couch Watching TV
The more TV you watch, the less physical activity you're getting, increasing your odds of being overweight and developing type 2 diabetes. Cable TV itself is expensive, but there are hidden costs coming through your receiver.
I like Grinding my Teeth
Grinding your teeth at night can cause serious damage and add up to major long term costs. Resin fillings can cost up to $300, and crowns generally cost more than $500.
I like Coffee
Whipped cream adds about 140 calories, and each pump of flavoured syrup adds another 20. Without these sugary indulgences five times a week, you'll cut out at least 41,600 calories a year – and that's more than 11 pounds!
I like Skipping Breakfast
It’s tremendously important that you never skip breakfast. Research consistently shows that people who eat breakfast actually eat fewer calories per day and lose weight more successfully than those who do not. Always start your day with a substantial breakfast.
I like Being too Serious
Approach things with a light attitude. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Positive psychology has shown that one of the most important routes to happiness is to laugh at yourself more – and not take life too seriously. So ditch the frown and take the time to laugh more!
I like Playing Video Games
Video games are fun and entertaining, but keeping up with the latest consoles and titles can be very expensive. Many new consoles are priced well over $500 and require gamers to buy games at $50 apiece. The numerous hours spent playing games can be spent elsewhere.
I like Falling Asleep on the Couch
The best rest comes from sleep that is uninterrupted for seven to eight hours, and is in a dark, quiet place, according to Better Sleep Council Canada. It can also throw off your hormones and metabolism, leading to weight gain and an immune system that is less able to ward off disease
I like doing Drugs
The cost of drugs extends beyond their street price. Their cost to society is estimated to be $181 billion when health care, productivity losses, law enforcement and other costs are added up.
I like Not taking a Shower/Skip washing my Hands
Neglecting proper hygiene you can spread germs by hand-to-hand and hand-to-face contact. In the health care industry alone, poor hand hygiene contributes to approximately $4.5 billion in medical expenses every year.
I like Text Messaging / Take phone calls while Driving
This is not only dangerous but now will get you a fine of $500 with a suspension of license.
I like using my neighbour's WiFi connection / overuse free WiFi locations.
It’s free, but if you get caught and sued, it can prove to be costly. Watch what you do on public networks, they are more vulnerable to viruses.