Name all of the V-speeds
How does a high pressure system move?
clockwise, downward, out
IFR fuel requirement?
To your destination, to your alternate and 45 minutes thereafter in normal cruise
What is the byproduct of lift?
Induced Drag
Which NMC CFI on the trip has been cuffed by the cops the most times?
Justin (little known fact, Justin was a police officer in a past life)
How does Va change when you burn fuel on a long xc?
Va decreases when weight decreases
How much wind does it take to trigger an airmet
30kts sustained
What is the lost com reg and procedure?
MEA- MEA, Expected, assigned
AVEF- Assigned, vectored, expected, filed
What is the flooded start procedure?
Open the throttle to 1/2 or full, when the engine catches, go mixture rich
How many couples are on staff at NMC?
Wouldn't you like to know (2)
Why do we turn on the fuel pump in the event of an engine failure?
Incase the engine driven Fp failed
What are the different types of icing? Which is the worst and why?
clear, rime, mixed
Clear is the worst because its hard to see, does not freeze on impact, and it is heaviest
What does the wx need to be If you used KCAD as your alternate?
You can use your resources
Are there airbags in our C172?
Yes, the seatbelt has an airbag
Which NMC CFI is a triplet?
Rem dawg
Why do we recover from a spin with rudder and not aileron?
A spin is an uncoordinated or yawing stall. In order to stop the rotation, we must coordinate the stall. In addition, ailerons in a spin can aggravate the spin
How much wind triggers a sigmet?
Sustained surface winds over 50kts
What is the VDP?
The first point when you can descend below mins
How is lift produced and name the two theories
Air flowing over the wing creates a low pressure on top of the wing and high pressure under the wing. High pressure wants to go to low which creates a lifting action (Bernoulli)
As air is deflected downward from the underside of a wing and in downwash, the equal and opposite reaction is a lifting force (newtons 3rd law)
Which NMC CFI on the trip is the second oldest?
How could you tell the difference between a graveyard spin and spiral in IMC?
In a spin, your airspeed is constant once the spin is in the developed stage
What is the maximum surface and x-wind to fly dual per NMC policy?
When can we descend below the DA/MDA? Name all 14 items.
2. Normal descent to land
3. Something in sight
-Runway, lights, markings
-Threshold, lights, markings
-TDZ, lights, markings
-ALS (Red terminating bars, descend to 100' above TDZE)
What factors affect stall speed, and how? (4)
Weight increases, SS increases
LF increases, SS increases
CG moves forward, SS increases
Flaps increase, SS decreases
How old is Chase?