a young girl with Stockholm Syndrome talks to furniture and marries her kidnapper
beauty and the beast
Woman murdurs another woman for sparkily shoes
wizard of oz
cancer survivor becomes a superhero
guy's reptile park unravels because the power goes out.
Jurassic Park
1980s teenager fights demons with magic
stranger things
after the death of her parents a young girl uses black magic to cause millions of dollars on property damage
one family's drama eventually screws up an entire galaxy
star wars
paranoid billionaire is afraid of an alien
batman v superman
a girl with a bow and arrow hates snow
The Hunger Games
illegal alien chased by the feds
a guy kisses a dead body in the forest while 7 other people watch
snow white
after losing his parents a young boy joins a hippie group and becomes (almost) vegan
the lion king
group spends 9 hours returning jewelry
Lord of the rings
nose-less guy has an unhealthy obsession
harry potter
unpopular kids beat up a starving homeless clown
girl wears guy clothes for a bit to be taken seriously
adorable trash can and flower pot makes fat people walk
boys spend 7 years being the third wheel
harry potter
talking frog convinces his son to kill his dad
star wars V
cowboy and astronaut fight to be leader
toy story
a beautiful princess gets catfished by a flying carpet man
depressed widowed father teams up with forgetful woman to find disabled son
finding nemo
orphaned billionaire plays with metal in his spare time.
iron man
everyone tries the ice bucket challenge
man plays virtual reality to catfish a lady on a different planet