My Order was 10 minutes late! How can you compensate me?
Zero Out Delivery Fee
What is the first question on the Code Red template?
Franchise Y/N?
How much is Delivery for an order under $300?
What icon do you click to add items to a standing order?
The cart icon
What does a pink order mean?
The order was deleted
I had a missing shmear and I really want it! My order was 30 minutes late. What can you do for me?
Discount/Refund Delivery Fee, 10% of Sub total
Where do you go to adjust the customer's discount?
The plus button on the Order Pad screen
How much would Delivery be for an order of $567
Who do we task standing orders to?
The SGR chart?
The "Discount Matrix"
My delivery didn't show up for 2 hours!
Refund Delivery Fee/100% of Sub Total
What is the first thing you do when you get a code red?
Ask for Leadership assistance
Can you add a tip for the delivery driver when the customer checks out?
What icon do you click to select the dates of the standing order?
The Calendar Icon
What does a green order mean?
The order is for more than 100 people
I didn't get any sugars with my coffee this morning! >:(
Discount/Refund 10%
My order is 20 minutes late. I want everything refunded, I am so upset.
Apologize, and escalate to the CSM.
What button do you click to find the store that will be delivering the order?
The "Store" button with the magnifying glass
Can a client cancel one order from their standing orders but keep the rest?
Yes. We will un-check the date and they will continue to receive their other orders.
Where can I find the Code Red Template?
"Code Red Points of Reference" on the Links page
My employee was supposed to place the order for yesterday and they placed it for today. Give me a full refund!
Customer error, escalate to the CSM.
How long can it take for a CSM to get back to the client if they wanted more than the Catering Specialist could offer them?
Up to 24 hours.
What is the minimum payment required to place a Delivery?
$25.00 Minimum
Where can you check to see if a standing order has been canceled?
Click the "orders" tab on the clients account and few the "Order History"
Where is the Monkey Media Log in?
On the landing page