The central principle of the Bahai faith states that all of humanity was created as a _____unit.
"single unit, like a family."
This person is considered "The Herald" of the Bahai faith.
The Bab
The country the Bahai religion was developed.
This holiday is a period of celebration devoted to charity, gift-giving and festivities prior to the annual period of fasting.
Ayyam-i-Ha, aka the Intercalary Days
The foundational text of the Bahai Faith.
"The Bayan"
The Bahai calendar consists of this many months, coincidentally, with the same number of days in each month giving the Bahai calendar 361 days.
The primary focus of the Bahai text is to prepare for the arrival of ______.
"The Promised One"
The Bab faced persecution from these two groups due to his teachings, advocacy, and popularity among marginalized communities such as the poor, urban merchants, artisans and villagers.
"The government and orthodox clergy."
The Festival of Ridvan, aka the King of Festivals, is held for this many days and commemorates the beginning of the Bahai faith.
This ruling body, located in Haifa, Israel, refers to the international governing council of the Bahai faith.
"Universal House of Justice"
The Baha'u'llah wrote this many letters in his lifetime about addressing the nature of God, societal needs, religious obligations of his followers and the structure of the Bahai institutions that would grow the religion .
This person is considered the "Divine Educator" of the Bahai faith.
The Bab's advocated for the abolition of this law, which attracted heavy opposition.
"Islamic Law"
The number of Holy days the Bahai faith recognizes.
The term used to describe the idea that religions are inherently one and that truth is revealed by God progressively through a series of divine Messengers.
"Progressive Revelation"
Baha'u'llah, The Bab, and Abdu'l-Baha are three central figures of this religion.
The Bahai Religion.
This physicist and astronaut, who died on the space shuttle Challenger in 1986, was also a follower of the Bahai faith.
Dr. Ronald McNair
This belief system led to the founding of the Bahai faith.
"Babism" aka the Babi faith
This monthly feast, which occurs every 19 days, serves to increase unity, provide encouragement through devotional programs, and community socialization.
"The Nineteen Day Feast"
The name for the Bahai New Year.
"Naw Ruz"
This covenant refers to an agreement of progressive revelation.
"The Greater Covenant"
The eldest son of Baha'u'llah, founder of the Bahai faith.
The nine-member supreme ruling body of the Universal House of Justice was first elected in this year.
This holiday commemorates the death of the Bab, who was executed in 1850.
"The Martyrdom of the Bab"
This word means "Gate" in Arabic. It is also the chosen name of Ali Muhammad who is considered the herald of the Bahai faith.