What is my favorite color?
Light purple or green
How many siblings do I have?
How often are we on the news
Every year
Grumpy Bear
How do trees get on the internet?
They log in
What is my second cat's name?
Name one of my cousins
Raven, Kaylee, Micah, Anna, Carmen, Catalina
Who got arrested our freshman year?
Erick Scott
What is the purple care bear's name?
What reptile will always know what time it is?
A grandfather croc
What is my favorite thing to do?
What is my grandma's name on my mom's side? (not what I call her)
Who ratted out Scott and his "lover"
Summer Word
What is the name of the care bear cousin lion?
Brave Heart Lion
When does a joke become a dad joke?
When it becomes apparent
What kind of car do I drive?
How old was I when my parents divorced?
Our freshman year, who was arrested during a 5th period class?
Bradley Paine
Where do the care bears live?
Where do pirates get their hooks?
Second hand shops
What was my first dog's name?
When did my mom and step-dad get married
How many band directors have we had since 6th grade? (total)
Name three care bear cousins (not the lion)
Lotsa-Heart Elephant, Cozy-Heart Penguin, Bright Heart Raccoon
What kind of tea is hard to swallow?